Hawaii’s Seven Governors Honored in a Joint Celebration

Don Chapman
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June 13, 2007
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Hawaii's Seven Governors Honored in a Joint Celebration

Hawaii’s Seven Governors Honored in a Joint Celebration

Governors past and present were the toast of the evening at a recent Pacific Beach Hotel gala sponsored mainly by Kalayaan Philippines Hawaii International. Organizers said it marked the first time all seven Hawaii governors were honored in a single event. Pictured from left are: (front) George and Jean Ariyoshi, Larry and Beverly Mehau and (back) Taylore Reece and Douglas Ho.

MidWeek's Managing Editor Receives Voluntarism Award

MidWeek’s Managing Editor Receives Voluntarism Award

Yu Shing Ting, MidWeek‘s style and managing editor, was honored as the Outstanding Chamber Volunteer of the Year at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii’s May 31 annual meeting and installation luncheon. Pictured from left are chamber president Edward Pei, Yu Shing and Narcissus queen Jessica Lau.

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