Business Leaders On The Move In Hawaii
September 10, 2008
By Alana Folen

Damien Navarro has been elected president of St. Francis Health Ambassadors-Hawaii, a c ommunity health education volunteer organization formed as an affiliate of St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii . Navarro is among the first executive council of officers and will serve a one-year term. He also serves as administrator of the HMC Health Alliance.

Dawn Hirai has been promoted to vice president for Stryker Weiner & Yokota Public Relations, Inc ( SWAY ) . Hirai will be responsible for overseeing SWAY’s newly established Public and Government Affairs Division. She joined the agency in 2004 and was most recently an account supervisor for its Corporate and Public Affairs Division.

Michael Moon has been appointed director-operations, Dole Plantation for Castle & Cooke Hawaii. He previously served as general manager and will now be responsible for overseeing the entire Dole Plantation center , including retail, food and beverage, garden, train, carts and landscaping operations, among other duties.

Adria Alexa Estribou has been named executive director for the Women’s Fund of Hawaii (WFH). In this position, Estribou will be responsible for financial management, fundraising and community relations, database management, public relations and marketing. She most recently served as grants administrator/grant writer for the Oceanic Institute.

Brian Christensen has been hired as chief executive officer for The Pint Size Corporation (PSC), Hawaii’s leading direct store frozen food distributor. Christensen has more than 30 years experience in the food industry and previously worked for C&S Wholesale Grocers where he served as president. He also is a board member of the Hawaii Food Bank and Hawaii Food Industry Association.

Leon Mosher has been appointed previews team member for Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties’ windward office. He has been a licensed realtor associate since 2004. Mosher will be working toward earning the preview specialist designation, which is a prestigious international designation granted by Coldwell Banker.

Eric Matsunaga has been named director of marketing and public affairs for the University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Engineering. Matsunaga will be responsible for developing and implementing strategic and tactical marketing services for the college, including brand management, positioning and publicity, among others. He has more than 20 years experience in advertising, marketing, public relations and special events management.

Susan Krause has been hired as core lab manager for Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Inc. She previously worked at Concord Hospital Laboratory in New Hampshire for 10 years, serving as technical o perations manager for the past five years. Krause will now oversee core lab operations, personnel management and development, facilitating new instrument purchases/leases, validation and implementation, among other duties.