Business Leaders On The Move In Hawaii
January 25, 2006
By Linda Dela Cruz

Kathryn Drury Wagner has been promoted to managing editor of Honolulu magazine. She had previously been an associate editor at the magazine, and was the managing editor of Ala Moana.

Wendie McAllister has been named president-elect of the Junior League of Honolulu for 2005-06. McAllister is a land use planner working primarily with the Navy.

Diedre Suenaka has been elected community vice president of the Junior League of Honolulu for 2005-06. Suenaka is office manager for Business Forms Network.

Neige Whittington has been named membership vice president of the Junior League of Honolulu for 2005-06. Whittington is a former bank executive.

Janice ChoateZavakos has been elected fundraising vice president of the Junior League of Honolulu for 2005-06. She is an active community volunteer.

RoAnne Matsuura has been named treasurer of the Junior League of Honolulu for 2005-06 Matsuura is a CPA.