Bank of Hawaii’s fundraiser for Aloha United Way at 39Hotel

At the edgy 39Hotel in downtown Honolulu recently, Bank of Hawaii held a fundraiser for AUW that attracted all types who came to enjoy beer and wine from Kona Brewery, food from Indigo’s, prize giveaways and rockin’ music.

Publication Date: September 30, 2005

Yvonne Ako, Pat Mori, and Marsha Ogata - Online Exclusive Photo

Wain Iwaki and Leolani Iwaki - Online Exclusive photo

Frannie Baker, Marla Garmira, Paul Hoe, Suzie Thompson and Ginger Noa

Will Chang, Greg Johnson and Kitty Greer

Dan and Aileen Tocchini, and Kathleen Reece

Lien Tyler, Beth Greenhill, Gayle Isono, Larraine Fukumae and Julie Yoshida
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