A Question: Was It Worth It, Tiger?

Wednesday - December 09, 2009
I couldn’t believe that, of all people, Tiger Woods would cheat on his wife. That’s the conclusion based on revelations over the past week or so. I suppose, for propriety’s sake, I should use the word “allegedly.” I mean, that’s the word that allows for rampant speculation to appear semi-factual, right? He “allegedly” did this or she “allegedly” did that.
So, please, dear reader, understand that this space is under the impression that Eldrick “allegedly” had an affair.
Jay Leno posed the now-famous question to then-infamous Hugh Grant, who was not “allegedly” fornicating with L.A. hooker Divine Brown (while paired with beauteous actress Elizabeth Hurley): “What the hell were you thinking?”
Same question should be asked of Mr. Woods.
When celebrities fall, there is always a salivating public standing by to witness the collapse. There is a morbid curiosity to see what happened. It’s kind of like rubbernecking on the freeway.
But what is it that fuels some to truly delight in someone else’s misery? (The Germans have a word for it: Schadenfreude, taking joy from another’s troubles.) And not just one celebrity, but as many as possible?
You don’t think that’s true? Entertainment Tonight, Hollywood Access, EXTRA, TMZ and a slew of other tabloid-style TV shows dominate cable channels and garner significant ratings. There are a myriad of gossip Web sites and glossy magazines that trumpet the exclusive coverage of the latest celebrity and his/her crisis. There is a voracious appetite for celebrity “news.” More specifically, there is a thirst among many who want the most salacious, scandalous, prurient and downright ugly bits of information that will never be slaked.
The Tiger Woods situation is a perfect example of this sort of justifiable character assassination under the guise of “the public has a right to know.” It’s the shield wielded by media vultures who feed off of celebrities fallen from grace. Do we really have a “right” to know that Tiger cheats on his wife? The fact that we drive a Buick or have an American Express Card or wear Nike shirts on the golf course really gives us the “right” to know what happens between him and his wife? Please.
Tiger Woods is the billion-dollar man and the most celebrated and recognized pop icon living in the world today. He has purposefully insulated himself from the press and a public life off the course. Whatever the details, this is exactly the scenario he wanted to avoid. He still pleas for privacy and wants the light shining on him and his family to be turned off. Any of us would, too.
Here is the reality of this story. Tiger would not have run his Cadillac into a fire hydrant and neighbor’s tree, his windows would not have been suspiciously broken with a golf club, his face would not have been cut up, the police would not be at his door, the press would not be on his lawn and he would not be in this nightmare if he would have only done ... what? Kept his putter in the bag. I’m sorry. If he would have “allegedly” kept his putter in the bag.
I have no patience or forgiveness for adulterers, especially when they get caught and start crying about the consequences. The one who cheats in a relationship causes the pain and destroys the trust. Their betrayal is a conscious decision, and that decision ruins multiple lives. I always want to know from an adulterer who has been caught, “Was it worth it?”
The same question should be asked of Tiger.You have the greatest natural talent for the game of golf, ever. You have a financial situation that affords you the absolute best that life has to offer. You are beloved by many and respected by even more. You are blessed with a beautiful wife and even more blessed with two equally beautiful children. It’s befuddling that yoy would jeopardize all of this to go 18 with someone other than your wife.
Tiger, I love your game. Love your talent. I’ll still wear Nike and shave with a Gillette. But, dude, you blew it. It’s time for you to man up, confess directly your “sins and transgressions” and pray to the good Lord that your wife forgives you. If you do and she does, we’re cool. If not, you may be the greatest golfer of all time, but you’ll always be a cheating husband first. What’s so special about that?
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