Suicidal Jihadists On Surfboards

Wednesday - November 14, 2007
Many disquieting and frankly bizarre scenes have played out during the Hawaii Superferry saga.
The image of surfers and kayakers splashing U.S. Coast Guard personnel in Nawiliwili harbor was surreal. Watching protesters pounding on the hoods of vehicles, deflating tires and hurling profanities at HSF passengers as they arrived on Kauai was unsettling. The raucous reception of Governor Lingle and other government officials in Lihue featuring more profanities and boorish behavior was another lowlight.
However, this all pales in comparison to the latest effort by detractors of the government and the HSF to sink the boat.
There was a recent posting on under the names of Jim Albertini and Lanny Sinkin titled “Block the Superferry.” I encourage you to read this statement. I have been an observer of politics in this town for years, but this is one of the most curious, yet disturbing pieces I have ever read.
Here are some highlights from the authors’ viewpoint:
“At the call of the Governor, the Legislature passed a law permitting Superferry to violate the law as established by the Hawaii Supreme Court. Those who understand the unconstitutional, illegal and immoral nature of this act are left to respond.
“You will also have people with personal agendas, such as the Coast Guard personnel who perceive themselves as having lost face when they were unable to clear the harbor for the Superferry to enter on August 27.
“You need to be prepared for these forces to act without restraint resulting in possible physical injury or death.
“There is also the possibility of accident in the turmoil of numerous boats, swimmers, and surfers in an ocean environment.
“In that sense you have to be prepared at the level of the Native American who decided when it was ‘a good day to die.’”
As if accusing the administration of illegal acts, calling into question the integrity of the U.S. Coast Guard and preparing for maiming and death weren’t enough, there’s more.
“Practically, you need to prepare a last will and testament, make ho’oponopono with anyone you are not in harmony with, receive the blessing of your family and friends, and otherwise arrange all your personal affairs.
“The community, particularly the spiritual practitioners, need to provide you with a cleansing ceremony to prepare your body, mind, and spirit to greet the Spiritual Hierarchy that awaits your return.”
You’ve got to be kidding. This drivel appears in an online surfing magazine. The target audience is young readers. The tacit solicitation of youngsters to carry on their “protest” while giving instructions on how to prepare for “dying while trying” would be humorous if the intent we not so nefarious. The implication is, “We don’t want you to get hurt or killed, but if you do, this is what you need to do to prepare. Ironically, the article ends with the word, “Peace.”
The authors are self-proclaimed kupuna (Native Hawaiian spiritual leaders). Their invocation of peace, ho’oponopono and the sharing of their mana’o is not unlike the assurances of mullahs and sheiks that participating in the jihad against the infidels will bring you many virgins and everlasting enlightenment. The primary difference is the terrorists are hopeful to squelch freedom of religion and eliminate Western Civilization.
These other guys want to stop a ferry boat.
What could possibly be next?
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