A Friend On The Freeway

Wednesday - August 18, 2005
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Dear Pamela,
I met Solomon Chung Jr. when my car had a flat tire on the H-1 near the Ewa/Waipahu offramp during rush hour. Although this was your run-ofthe- mill flat tire, what made it special was that Solomon saw me pull off the road, realized he couldn’t stop, so he continued on until he found a safe place to stop, then hiked back to help me. He quickly addressed the situation and saved the day. Since I am a disabled driver, I couldn’t see myself wheeling down the freeway. Thank you so much, Solomon. May God bless you.
Eleanor Caires
Dear Eleanor,
Construction worker Solomon Chung Jr. knew something was up when he saw you stop along the freeway. “I parked and walked up the hill to her car. I didn’t know she was disabled when I offered to change the tire. I would have helped anybody in that situation.”
Dear Pamela,
Certain people are always a joy to know, and Pat Fujioka is one of them. She knows how to brighten your day with a comforting visit when you are down. She comes with a willing attitude to do chores like washing the dishes, putting your meal in the microwave and picking up your mail. She also brings me papayas, bananas sushi and lots of pens, for she knows I like to write in my journal every day. I don’t think I can thank her enough. Mahalo from the bottom of my heart.
Alma Leong
Dear Alma,
Pat Fujioka feels the APPLAUSE should go to you. “I met Alma through my mother-in-law, who was a member of the Hui Lokahi O’ Aina Haina Senior Club. She was so nice. When I returned, I joined too. Alma gave me so much confidence. You just don’t meet people like that anymore.”
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail pyoung@kitv.com. Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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