A Polite And Helpful Young Man

Wednesday - November 15, 2006
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Dear Pamela, I am a senior citizen and use a cane for walking. I was getting out of my daughter’s car at Pali Longs when a young man came up to me and asked, “May I help you?” I said I didn’t need help, but he walked with me anyway until I reached the entrance to Longs. He then got a shopping cart for me. I told him I had arthritis of my knees, and he was very concerned and caring about my condition, wishing me good luck as he went on his way.
I was very impressed by this polite young man. His name is Donn Ariyoshi, son of former Governor and Jean Ariyoshi. They deserve APPLAUSE for raising such a well-mannered young man!
Lorraine C. Kusumoto
Dear Mrs. Kusumoto,
“That was so nice of her to write a letter!” says Donn Ariyoshi, a financial adviser with Morgan Stanley. “My parents taught me always be open to helping others, something I try to teach my son. We can’t survive in a community without lending a helping hand.”

Dear Pamela, I was standing in line at the checkout counter and struggling with all my purchases. They were in a wheeled carry-on I use for shopping. I had to take them all out at the register, then repack everything just right to get it home on the bus. A woman in line asked where I lived and when I said Waikiki, she said she was parked nearby and would be glad to take me home. I was amazed anyone would want to do that for a stranger, but she insisted. When we arrived at my apartment she gave me her name, Shirley Ann Morgado, and phone number, and said to call if I ever needed a ride in the future. She assured me she’s used to helping seniors and also delivers for Meals on Wheels. She also gave me a reflector bracelet to wear at night. That’s what I call aloha!
Shirley Hoving
Dear Shirley,
“It was going to pour, and I just could not see this woman with a cane and shopping cart waiting out in the rain,” says Shirley Ann Morgado, who’s retired from the Honolulu Police Department. “She had no reason to trust me, but I told her I do this all the time and I gave her my contact information. I’m glad she took me up on my offer.”

Aloha Pamela,
This note is to say a big MAHALO to state Rep. Scott Nishimoto. The other day Scott was in my neighborhood talking to my neighbors - just your regular politician stuff. Then I received a phone call from my son’s school. It was 5:30 p.m. and Manoa had not been picked up from yet. I thought my husband was picking him up and he thought I was. My husband was at Sand Island and my car was in the shop.
Scott Nishimoto drove me to pick up Manoa from school. What a nice guy. I can tell by his car that he is definitely not getting rich by doing his job. Mahalo for the kokua, Scott!
Kimi Buckman
Dear Kimi,
Election canvassing led to Rep. Scott Nishimoto’s (District 21) good deed. “I had just given her my newsletter and was talking to her neighbor across the street when she rushed out of her house and asked if I could drive her to Liholiho School. I was happy that she trusted me enough to ask, but I was worried that she had to ride in my beat-up car, a 1991 Ford Explorer. It had tons of my election stuff in the back so we had to clean it up so her son could sit there. It was good to be able to help.” Ford Explorer. It had tons of my election stuff in the back so we had to clean it up so her son could sit there. It was good to be able to help.”
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail pyoung@kitv.com. Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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