A Tow, Oxtail Soup And Hula Blues

Wednesday - December 29, 2010
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Aloha Pamela,
I would like to thank an extremely generous tow-truck operator who helped me yesterday. I was going east on H-1 when my car stalled by the Punchbowl off-ramp. I was stranded in the middle of the freeway with my hazard lights flashing while I attempted to restart the car, with other cars passing me on both sides. Suddenly, a tow truck from Saigon Towing (which was already towing a car) pulled up in front of me and the driver jumped out. He put the car in neutral for me and pushed the car over to the shoulder of the off-ramp - across a lane of traffic! - and then, before I could say anything, he ran back to his truck and drove away. I am so grateful that he saved me from inconvenience and possible danger, and also kept the traffic from piling up around my car.
Thank you also for providing a way to thank the anonymous benefactors in our lives!
Frederika Bain
Dear Fredericka,
Yung Nguyen,, owner of Saigon Towing,, says his brother Norman helped you that day.. “We do this all the time if wee can,”” he says.. “Wee helpp peoplee get safelyy outt off thee wayy so theyy cann waitt for aa tow truck.. Doesn’tt havee too be our company,, ass longg as theyy gett takenn caree of.”

Aloha Pamela,
I really appreciate what you are doing to help us express our appreciation. Thank you!
For some strange reason I have been craving (like out of this world, uncontrollable craving) oxtail soup.
I would like to send a big mahalo out to Mark Ono from Kaneohe and his in-laws the Tamashiros. I decided to go to a restaurant one day and I was by myself. It’s no fun eating alone. While the server was taking their order, I heard Mark order oxtail soup. So I asked him if he regularly ordered the oxtail soup. We hit it off and began talking as though we knew each other for years. I was still tackling my bowl and Mark approached me and said, “Your food and the tip has been taken care of, God bless.” It certainly was a blessing. Before I entered the restaurant I was actually calculating whether I would have enough to spend. It was already the end of the month and I was actually scrimping.
While I’m thankful about the money I saved, more importantly, I’m so happy to have met such wonderful people!
So, to Mark and the Tamashiros, thanks again very much!
Theresa Tanya Hirakawa
Dear Theresa,
Now that Mark Ono has retired as ground operations supervisor with United Airlines, he has time to enjoy life. “We were just sitting there and started talking. It just popped into my head to do this for her. My wife Julie and I sometimes do things like that. We just get the idea and do it. Hopefully it’s a gesture that will be passed on.”

Dear Pamela,
The Waikiki Improvement Association would like to thank and acknowledge two people associated with TheBus for their kokua and caring. On the morning of Sunday, Nov. 21, a conferee of the Waikiki International Hula Conference forgot her hula supplies on the No. 13 bus from Waikiki to the convention center. This Japanese visitor was very distraught upon arriving at the conference without her valued possessions. Huge mahalo to Yvonne, who answers the phone line at TheBus, and bus driver Ron.
Thanks to them, we were able to reconnect the bag of hula supplies with its grateful owner. She said she was able to feel the aloha spirit thanks to the many kindnesses extended to her and made her stay here all the more memorable. No amount of money can pay for the promotion of our beautiful state and the special people who live here more than the actions of these two individuals.
Rick Egged
Waikiki Improvement Association
Dear Rick,
Your angels from TheBus are Yvonne Hooper and Ron Abergas Jr. Their supervisors will receive commendation reports with the information you graciously shared with the readers of MidWeek
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail pyoung@kitv.com. Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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