An Open House At The Parade

Wednesday - August 11, 2005
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Dear Pamela,
As the veterans of the Korean War we are mostly in the 70s and 80s of age. We recently participated in the Kailua Fourth of July parade.
Since it is a long parade we are always in the hurry up and wait process, which is normally about three hours. We are also encouraged to drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration, but there is not a toilet facility near.
As we assembled on Uilama Street, this very considerate angel of a lady, Ms. Susan Morley, approached us and stated: “If you have to go, please use our bathroom,” and directed us to her bathroom. We members of the Korean War Association Chapter 1 truly believe that Ms. Morley deserves a big APPLAUSE and mahalo.
Ted Miyamoto
KWVA Chapter 1
Dear Ted,
Susan and Harry Morley extend their hospitality to paraders and parade-watchers every year. “People come from all over the island to watch the parade,” says Harry. “It’s usually hot outside. We just feel it’s the neighborly thing to do.”
“Lots of people in our area make their bathrooms available for the parade folks,” says Susan. “It’s a very long morning and the restraint they are expected to endure is really inhumane!
We have had Obaachans from Japan, Lt. Governor Aiona’s campaign team and our own beloved Kailua High Alumni … old friends and new friends.
“It’s a great day … stop by some time!”
Dear Pamela,
Last week while I was driving my husband home after his blood transfusion, my car developed transmission problems and we stalled in the middle lane of the H-1 by Aiea in peak traffic. I was just horrified until I looked into my rear-view mirror and saw the flashing blue lights of a motorcycle police officer behind me. He came over and told me that he was going to push me off to the side of the road. He stayed with us until he was sure help was on the way from AAA roadside service.
I was so grateful, but forgot to get his name. I only remember him waving to us and moving on. I am a grateful, though forgetful senior citizen.
Eileen Taguchi
Dear Eileen,
Your white knight on the motorcycle was Officer Raymond Wilson. Take a bow, Ray!
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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