Appreciating Honolulu’s Finest

Wednesday - December 12, 2007
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Dear Pamela,
On Kamehameha Highway just past Waihee Road, a family member swerved to avoid an oncoming car and ended up hitting a telephone pole and knocking it down. We thank the Good Lord that the injuries incurred were at a minimum.
I would like to thank the Honolulu Police Department officer who was first to respond to the scene. The officer followed through with our family member at the hospital, and was very professional, considerate and caring during what was a traumatic experience for our family. Unfortunately, we did not get this officer’s name, but we wanted to let him know that his helpful and thoughtful behavior was very much appreciated.
We have always been proud of our Honolulu Police Department and the excellent service they provide our community. We send our sincerest mahalo nui loa to this officer.
Carol Valant
Dear Carol,
First on the scene was Officer Colby Kashimoto. Sgt. Wayne Fernandez of the Kailua station says, “He did an outstanding job on the accident investigation and also effected arrest on the other driver for driving under the influence of alcohol. Officer Kashimoto is an outstanding officer, courteous to the public and always goes beyond the call of duty. He is most deserving of any accolades bestowed on him.”

Dear Pamela,
I am not one who would normally write a letter to a widely read publication, but I would like to send my loudest APPLAUSE to HPD Officer T. Smith for his able and willing assistance.
During my morning commute, my tire blew out as I traveled north on the H-2, just past the Mililani Tech Park exit. I stepped on my brake to slow down and pull onto the side of the road. Instead, my car started to turn toward the median and I stopped, facing the opposite direction, within five feet of the guardrail. Thank God I didn’t hit it or any of the cars around me.
A little shaken up, I got out of my car and called my brother and co-workers for advice on where to tow my car. However, while I was on the phone, Officer Smith pulled over and asked if I had a spare. He quickly changed my tire, stopped a lane of traffic so I could get back onto the H2 safely.
Officer Smith was a godsent angel in my time of need. While some may think it’s part of a police officer’s job, you don’t truly have an appreciation for their service until you find yourself in these distressing situations.
Please extend a warm mahalo and aloha to Officer Smith. In my haste, I did not ask Officer Smith what his first name is.
Debra Shigemura
Pearl City
Hi Debra,
Your conscientious angel was Officer Thomas Smith.

Dear Pamela:
I would like to express my appreciation to my guardian angel, Police Officer Phillip Snoops (D-3 Pearl City), for assisting me when one of my tires blew out while driving down Kipapa Gulch. Officer Snoops, who was off-duty and with his wife, stopped, called the patrol police and drove my car to safety. His presence assured and comforted me until help arrived. He is truly an exemplary model of Honolulu’s Finest.
Anita Pascual
Dear Anita, Debra and Carol,
Our HPD officers deserve a standing ovation for the ser-
vice they selflessly provide on and off duty. Mahalo for your letters of recognition.
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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