Blessed By Angels With No Names

Wednesday - September 28, 2011
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Dear Pamela,
I was touring the model homes at Hoakalei with my family. Somewhere along the tour I dropped my wallet. Inside was my cell phone, IDs, credit cards, etc. As my family and I walked through the sales office on our way out, one of the staff members asked whether any of us had misplaced a wallet. I immediately panicked and noticed that I no longer had my wallet with me. I gave my last name, she handed me the wallet, and (with a smile) informed me that someone had turned it in to her. To the “Angel” who turned in my wallet (with everything perfectly intact) but did not leave a name, I would like to send a huge thank you and God’s blessing. Your kindness and integrity has made me more careful and more conscious of opportunities to pay it forward!
M. Mauia
Alewa Heights

Dear Pamela,
My husband and I would like to send a BIG MAHALO to an older couple who helped us one day while loading our car at the Pearl City Sam’s Club. Unfortunately we never got their names.
While I was strapping my 4-monthold in the car seat, my husband was left to tend to my 2-yearold son, who was throwing a loud tantrum in the shopping cart. As my husband carried my son to the car, he forgot two gallons of milk in the cart. On his way to the car, my son dropped his slipper, which upset him even more and his screams got louder. While my husband strapped him in the car, a stranger tapped him on his back and handed him my son’s slipper. We thanked her and were very surprised by what she did for us.
Then moments later she returned with the two gallons of milk that we had in our shopping cart. We just couldn’t believe how kind she was to bring us our groceries! We thanked her again and watched her walk away with her husband, who explained to us, “Don’t worry, we understand. We have grandchildren.” Jokingly my husband asked them, “Can you come home with us?”
We worry so much about what other people think when my son screams and cries in public. But when strangers like the couple we met lend a helping hand instead of judgmental looks, we are reminded that we are not the only ones.
Natalie Calloway
Pearl City

Aloha Pamela,
I would like to give a big thank you to the person who found my little wallet with my ID, medical cards and bank card along with my keys for my suitcases. I wish I could have met whoever found it to thank them personally. It saved me a lot of hassle to replace everything.
Whoever that person is, I’ll always be thinking of you when I look at my wallet, knowing someone out there cares.
Sylvia Berongis
Dear Sylvia, M. and Natalie,
Items lost: wallets, cards, slipper, milk. Items found: a renewed sense of faith in humanity and a determination to keep the kindness going.
If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813, or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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