Finding A Sad End For Man’s Best Friend

Wednesday - September 21, 2011
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Dear Pamela,
I discovered a 100-pound white pitbull that was thrown into the tall grass on the cane road behind Asing Park in Westlock. (Auwe to the owner!) It looked like a bullet hole in its side. I called the City and County, police, military police, Humane Society, Westlock Fairways and they all said this was outside their jurisdiction. I called Councilman Tom Berg’s office and his assistant called me back. The next day Roger, Celeste, Kurt and Mitchell from the Neighborhood Board showed up and this poor animal was buried with a tiny cross and a prayer. Much mahalo from this animal lover.
Carol Kamaile
Ewa Beach
Dear Carol,
“We made initial calls and found out the dog was on private property,” says Celeste Lacuesta. “That’s why these other agencies could not remove it. I called her back and told her, and she cried. I cried, too, being a dog lover. So I told her we would take it up in the next Neighborhood Board meeting, which was that night. At the end of the meeting, Kurt Fevella and Mitchell Tynanes said they would join me and my husband Roger at the site. We met Carol the next morning at 7:30. The poor dog looked like it had been beaten or in a dog fight. We buried it there and Mitch made a little cross with some twigs. We all had tears in our eyes. Something like this should never happen to an animal.”
Dear Pamela,
I am a senior citizen who uses a cane in walking. I went to get my mail one morning and tripped on the curb, fell down and was struggling to get up. Just then, Steve of Nakamura Electric was driving by and stopped when he saw me struggling. Steve immediately rushed to my aid and helped me get up. Thank you to the good-heartedness of Steve to stop to help a fellow man. Steve is a credit to his family and his employer.
Jim Yamashita
Aina Haina
Dear Jim,
“Steve Alexander, who’s been with us at Nakamura Electric for six years, is a very conscientious man,” says office secretary Ethel Hirata. “He’s always so nice.”
“I figured he needed help,” says Steve. “I turned the corner and saw him on the ground. Mr. Yamashita wrote a thank you letter and called. Anyone would have done the same.”
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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