Giving Praise For Doing A Job Well

Wednesday - August 31, 2011
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Dear Pamela,
I would like to express my thanks to the teachers at Lincoln Elementary School for providing truly a wonderful education to my 10-year-old son, who has autism. I was hesitant to send him to school because he is very low functioning, fears any kind of change and did not understand English, having been born and raised in Korea.
But Principal Imoto, Vice Principal Moura, Student Service coordinator Ms. Nagatori, Special Education teacher Mr. Idemoto, occupational therapist Ms. DuarteMiyaki, Speech Therapist Ms. Shiraki, student counselor Mr. Wakayama and ELL teacher Ms. Bautista all assured me they were confident my son would adjust to school well.
I am amazed how professional and caring every single teacher has been throughout the whole process of my son’s adjustment to school.
The teachers were always prepared to make each class meaningful and educational, listened carefully when I told them his history and current conditions, and constantly communicated with each other to come up with the best solutions.
The principal and vice principal made sure that even the office staff was well-prepared to deal with autistic children. Due to the incredible efforts of the teachers, administrators and the staff of the school, my son finished his first semester last May successfully and is now eager to go back in the fall. I cannot thank Lincoln
Elementary School enough. What a great job they are doing for their students in a public school!
Clara Woo
Dear Clara,
Vice Principal Mary Moura says this was a perfect example of parents and the school working together. “Mrs. Woo is a hands-on mother. She allowed us to observe her child and provided all the necessary information. The whole school community put in an effort to make her son’s adjustment work.” Ms. Moura also cites the contributions of Irving Imoto, Marcia Nagatori, Steven Idemoto, Leilani Duarte-Miyake, Melanie Shiraki, Jin Wakayama and Caroline Bautista.

Dear Pamela,
I was so glad there was somewhere I could send praise where praise was certainly due. Too often a word of appreciation is overlooked.
We recently had our kitchen remodeled. To our good luck we chose the bid from National Builders to supply cabinet doors and a new countertop. Mark Nishimoto met with us and helped select the products for the work we had in mind. The materials and crews came exactly as promised. Every one of the workers was friendly, efficient and precise in every step of the procedures necessary to complete the project. When everything was completed, Mr. Nishimoto came by to be certain we were happy. We couldn’t thank him enough for his personal suggestions, as well as compliment him on the professionalism of his employees.
Peg Debo
Dear Peg,
Mark Nishimoto throws the APPLAUSE right back at you. “We appreciate people like the Debos,” he says. “A lot of times our work goes unnoticed and unappreciated. So when a customer feels happy enough to publicly thank us, we feel good. The staff always works very had, especially in these trying times. They want to do the best job possible to get more business for the company.”
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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