Good Deeds In The Spirit Of Aloha

Wednesday - December 15, 2010
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Aloha Pamela,
I returned to my office in Honolulu and received a phone call from Malia, who asked me if I lost my wallet in a Chinese restaurant in Waipahu.
I had not even realized that my wallet was missing.
Malia told me that her 16-year-old son found the wallet on a chair at the table that I happened to be sitting at, and brought it to her attention.
As if to suppress my wildest fears, Malia immediately stated, “I want you to know that everything is here. I just took out your business card, and that is why I am calling you.”
I received the wallet the next day. I realize what a hassle it would have been to notify all of my credit card companies and obtain another driver’s license.
The one thing in my wallet that is irreplaceable and dear to my heart is a small black-and-white photo of my mother, taken in 1939 when she was 3 years old. My mother’s house on Kauai burned down to the ground when she was a little girl, and the scorched photo is one of the few photos of her as a child.
I would like to thank Malia and her son for their heartwarming honesty.
Kelly Jo Nacino
Dear Pamela,
I just finished shopping at Ala Moana Longs when I waited near the curb for my husband to bring the car.
All of a sudden I found myself standing with a very kind couple holding me.
The sweet lady was wiping my bleeding forehead. The gentleman left and came back shortly with a clean paper towel. I was unaware of what had happened to me.
When my husband arrived, they helped me over to the car. I am afraid I did not thank them and show my appreciation.
The gentleman said he worked in the ER at Straub Hospital but I failed to get the name.
I am afraid I may have soiled the lady’s outfit, and if I did, I will gladly pay the cleaning bill.
A very big and grateful MAHALO NUI LOA to them.
Betty Scholl
Dear Pamela,
I have a friend from my church who chose to live out her life with cancer by being grateful for her family and the many small things we take for granted.
The peace that we, as believers, have in the wake of dying, we see as a homecoming.
Secondly, thank you to all those “encouragers” we have in our lives.
Be grateful for them and tell them so.
Do not wait until the end of their lives to give them APPLAUSE.
Melanie Rico
Aloha Pamela,
I was recently in an auto accident on the H-3 when I lost control of my truck. I was lucky to have not hit anyone nor did anyone hit me.
Numerous people immediately stopped to render aid, as I had hit my head on the driver’s window, receiving a 2-inch gash that required stapling.
I never got anyone’s names.
Two men administered first aid while others helped make calls to police, ambulance and even to my husband. I know some were off-duty firemen, I remember one having a carpenter’s union shirt, but they were all so wonderful as I cried mostly for my truck instead of worrying about myself.
I wanted to thank each and every one of them who stopped for me, as there really are caring people when you least expect.
Titi Kau’ilani Ricafort
Dear Titi, Melanie, Betty and Kelly,
We are all more conscious of the spirit of aloha and the impact of good deeds during the holiday season. A standing ovation to your anonymous angels for knowing that kindness is to be extended throughout the year.
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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