Happy Endings At The Movies

Wednesday - March 24, 2010
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Dear Pamela,
I went to the movies at Ward Theatres with my friend. After the movie, I realized that I didn’t have my wallet. My friend’s mom and I went back to see if we could find it, but we didn’t. We left my mom’s number in case someone found it. I thought my wallet was gone forever. The next morning the manager called my mom and said they found my wallet. All the money was still in it! It was awesome! Thank you so much!
Liam York, age 9
Aloha Pamela,
On my recent outing to Ward Theatres, I dropped my wallet in the movie house and when I went back the same day, I was told that nothing had been turned in. Although there was no money in the wallet (except for $200 hidden for emergency), all my important cards such as credit cards, Medicare card and HMSA were in it. I therefore started calling all my card companies for replacements, including my Social Security card, which was inside the wallet (I had just recently put it in there so it wouldn’t get lost). About a week later, I had a call from the theater manager that my wallet had been found and turned in to lost and found. They had no record of who turned it in, but the fact that my wallet was returned intact led me to believe that the theater must have honest employees. Many, many thanks go to them.
Cole Sasano
Dear Cole and Liam,
Rachel Gibson of Consolidated Theatres says, “What wonderful stories - a perfect example of what we try to deliver in customer service. We want our customers to have a good experience from the minute they walk into the theater to the time they leave.”

Dear Pamela,
I lost my cell phone during a heavy rainstorm. It must have fallen out along my three-mile exercise-walking loop. I thought I had placed it in my fanny pack so that it would stay dry. I didn’t notice it was gone until I went to retrieve the phone after I got home.
I was heartbroken and had no expectation that it would make its way back to me. However, at 11 p.m. I got a call from Brightly Palsis, a teenager who attends Leilehua High School. He saw my home phone number taped to the back of the phone. I was thrilled and immediately retrieved the phone in front of a 7-Eleven store on Waialae Avenue, where we agreed to meet.
I have thanked him in person, given him a cash reward and called his school’s vice principal to let her know what an upstanding young man Brightly is. I told him his parents raised him well! He’s such an honest young man and deserves our APPLAUSE.
Marsha Meckler
Palolo Valley
Dear Marsha,
Leilehua High School administration has acknowledged sophomore Brightly Palsis for doing the right thing by awarding him a special Leilehua shirt. It bears the words “Leadership, Humility and Service” in recognition of his kind act.
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail pyoung@kitv.com. Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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