High Praise For TheBus Drivers

Wednesday - October 11, 2006
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Dear Pamela,
I encountered a incomprehensible incident on TheBus. When it arrived at the Kaiulani Avenue stop in Waikiki, a woman passed by my seat to get off, but she walked back toward me all the way from the front door area and spit on my face. I was stunned. I didn’t know her and hadn’t said a word to her the whole time. I yelled for help. The bus driver stopped the bus while HPD officers looked for the crazy woman who fled the scene.
Big mahalo to the driver, who didn’t take the incident lightly and showed a tremendous care in his kind words and sincere actions.
M. Inagaki Waikiki
Dear M.,
Your caring bus driver that day was Myron Fernandez. TheBus says the safety and comfort of all passengers will always be a priority.

Dear Pamela,
This is a story of a simple but awesome gesture made to me by one of TheBus’s finest drivers. I work at a local florist approximately four miles from home. I have my own car, but I have recently elected to take advantage of our great bus system and have found it very convenient and humbling. My short commute to and from work is virtually stress-free, sort of entertaining at times, sharing the bus with other interesting riders. You’d be surprised at how thoughtful people are who ride TheBus.
One afternoon I got on TheBus and, to my dismay, had forgotten my bus pass. The man getting on with me actually offered to pay my fare, but the bus driver told me it was OK, he recognized me as a frequent rider with my bus pass and allowed on!
I cannot express how good I felt that day, and how much I appreciated the kind gestures of both my fellow rider and the driver.
I wanted to formally thank Mr. Bus Driver in hopes that he reads APPLAUSE as religiously as I do. I’m hoping that commuters who are able and willing to alleviate some of the traffic congestion - and save a few bucks on gas - try riding TheBus and I can guarantee it will be one of the most rewarding experiences!
Lisa Tabata
Nuuanu P.S. I do not want to get the bus driver in trouble if this was something he wasn’t supposed to do.
Dear Lisa,
TheBus says giving consideration to regular customers is a part of good service. No. 158 Express School/Middle driver Nelson Young will be recognized for his kind gesture.

Dear Pamela,
I would like to take this opportunity to give APPLAUSE to the following people:
Dr. Guy Yatsushiro, who with a quick decision made all the arrangements to have me admitted to Kuakini Hospital.
Dr. Russell Wong visited every day - late in the evening and early in the morning. His assistant, Dr. Andrew Lee and staff: RNs, CNAs, were also kind and compassionate.
Last but not least, Dr. Clyde Miyaki and his assistant Susan on a holiday wheeled his equipment to my room and performed surgery. I am one lucky person. Above all they made me feel relaxed, comfortable and very special. I honor them.
Janet Hironaka
Dear Janet,
“Did she say anything about me being so good looking?”
jokes Dr. Guy Yatsushiro. “Janet is a special person, everybody’s mom, so it’s natural to want to care for her personally, as well as a patient.”
Dr. Russell Wong adds,
“Anybody in the medical profession strives to guide their patients to improvement. We want them to have confidence in their treatment and we’re honored that she appreciates our efforts.”
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail pyoung@kitv.com. Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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