HPD Officers Go Above And Beyond

Wednesday - April 06, 2011
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Hi Pamela,
One morning I woke up to HPD at my door. It was Violet Williams informing me that the big tree in our yard had fallen on my car.
Of the three cars the 30-foot tree fell on, mine took the brunt of it. It was 6 a.m. and the end of her shift after a long night with the storm.
Officers Tish Oshima, Ioani Keehu and Jens Magelssen arrived, took photos, filled out paperwork and started clearing the tree.
They used an ax, a saw and some clippers.
By the time the City Maintenance crew arrived with chain saws and the chipper machine two hours later, the cars were clear of debris.
The officers moved the tree trunk by cutting it into sections, which broke the ax. It was hard work. The officers went above and beyond to make sure I didn’t have any delays to my morning routine of getting kids to school.
A big mahalo to these fine men and women in uniform.
Laura Albaneze
Moanalua Gardens
Dear Laura,
“I was happy to hear about the good actions by officers Violet Williams, Ione Keehu, Tish Oshima, and Jens Magelssen in helping this Moanalua Gardens neighborhood,” says Major William Chur of HPD District 5 (Kalihi). “The officers involved are all excellent workers, and it does not surprise me that they took the time to mitigate the inconvenience to the neighborhood by clearing the tree from the roadway. We will recognize the officers for their fine efforts, which is so typical of our officers.”

Dear Pamela,
For the past few weeks I have been intensely involved in helping a dear friend in Germany to send her son to Hawaii as a student, on a private basis, without going through any student exchange organizations.
This process required intense research for documentation preparation with lots of questions, lengthy phone calls, e-mails, etc., and that’s just on this side, not to mention what the party in Germany must handle.
Here in Hawaii, I called anybody and everybody who could possibly help - no shame there, I assure you - and I received fantastic kokua from a variety of people.
Regrettably, we have now reached an impasse in the visa process, and our guest student may or may not arrive here, but the unselfish, cheerful and prompt assistance given by the people listed below is priceless and deserves resounding APPLAUSE:
Lori Ishikawa, registrar at Kapolei High School; Jan Fukuda, student services, state DOE; Karen Michael Mikel, international student services, HPU; Dawn, Admissions Office, Island Pacific Academy; Myrna Hardin of the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center, and Milo Huempfner, Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center.
Doris Domingo
Dear Doris,
“It’s just a part of our jobs,” says Kapolei High School registrar Lori Ishikawa. “We get a lot of foreign exchange students, but the families usually work through specific organizations that handle the visas and other arrangements. Ms. Domingo was assisting her friend’s son on her own, so we simply put her in touch with our district office and gave her as much information as we had to start the process.”
If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813, or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail pyoung@kitv.com. Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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