Thankful For Doctors On A Plane

Pamela Young
By Pamela Young
Wednesday - April 27, 2011
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Dear Pamela,

One evening my husband, daughter and granddaughter were scheduled to leave LAX airport. Because of an aircraft brake problem, there was a four-hour delay, including a one-hour wait on board the plane before takeoff. After the plane departed LAX, my husband got up to use the restroom and realized that his legs and feet were numb, causing difficulty walking. The attentive and efficient flight attendants summoned help from any medical personnel on board. Two physicians responded, Dr. Laura Moire and another doctor from Rio de Janeiro. The two doctors monitored my husband’s vital readings throughout the flight. We were thankful for medical assistance during the five-hour flight, especially since he had heart bypass surgery a few years ago (successful procedure thanks to two of the most brilliant doctors on Oahu, Dr. Charles Zerez and Dr. David Lee). Upon arrival in Honolulu, para-medics boarded the plane to check my husband, wheeled him out, and released him after checking his vital signs. We thank God for all of the angels on the flight and the para-medics in Honolulu. Our heartfelt apologies to all who endured yet another delay upon arrival since travelers had to wait until my husband was wheeled out of the airplane. Mahalo to all and God bless!

Jackie Char

Dear Jackie,

Glad to hear your husband Clifford is doing well today.

Dr. Laura Moire, formerly an emergency physician at Kahuku Hospital, has moved off island. Kahuku Hospital administrator Lance segawa commends her participation in your onboard crisis. “i’m not surprised she was there for that emergency,” he says. “she always did a good job for us.”

three star

Dear Pamela,

I am a “transplant” from Hawaii to California, and it is so wonderful to see the aloha spirit continuing to thrive in Hawaii.

I was dropped off by the shuttle bus at the Hawaiian Airlines Interisland terminal for an early flight. I did not know that I was dropped off at the wrong area. As I was checking in, a Hawaiian Airlines agent, Emory, told me that I was at the wrong terminal. He could have just pointed me to the right terminal down the way. But he then proceeded to walk me to the right place and mentioned that it was good exercise for him. I probably looked like a confused senior citizen. Emory happily took me through all the steps in getting me checked in (agriculture check in, baggage check in, boarding pass, check-in). I was so thankful for all his help and the kind aloha spirit that my flight back to California was a calm and peaceful trip. Even the wait time at the airport was enjoyable.

Some friends say that Hawaii is “losing the aloha spirit.” I can let them know that the aloha spirit is alive and well with people like Emory living it every day.

Mahalo again, to Emory and Hawaiian Airlines for having kind and helpful employees.

P.S.: He did not accept any gratuity.

Sonia Sato
Orange County, Calif.

Dear Sonia,

Your Hawaiian Airlines angel was emory Tokuhama, who tries to live the aloha spirit every day.


three star

Dear Pamela,

Bob and Ethel are very special people. One day very long ago Bob was walking where tree trimmers were cutting branches. He saw a bird nest on the ground and asked the trimmers what they were going to do with it. They said it was going in the rubbish unless he wanted it. Bob picked up the nest and saw two newborn pigeons.

One had died but the other was barely alive.

He and Ethel cooked up some cereal and fed it with an eye dropper. A miracle, it survived! Eleven years later the pigeon is still alive. They also have a turtle and a dog.

But their care goes beyond animals. They help other seniors to the doctor, to haircuts, whatever. I am one of those people, being a heart attack patient. They are both so helpful, they deserve APPLAUSE.

Marian Chang

Dear Marian,

“She’s my sister-in-law, so nothing big,” says Bob Hinagumi. “i will have to thank her for writing such a nice letter. And by the way, Kilohana (the pigeon) is doing just fine.”

(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)

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