The Pali Cleanup Man Mystery

Wednesday - December 28, 2005
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Mahalo to all MidWeek readers, especially Dong Mejia and David Griffith, who helped us track down the good Samaritan who cleans the trash from the Pali Highway roadside in Nu’uanu. (APPLAUSE Nov. 30):
Dear Pamela,
The gentleman you refer to in your article is Robert Boesch. Bob is a member of Boy Scout Troop 201 based out of MaeMae Elementary School.
Bob has been a scout master for the troop and even now that his son is no longer in the program, he continues to support the troop on a regular basis by sponsoring cycling, hiking, camping, merit badges, etc. I have known Bob for at least 10 years. He is one of our state’s “top dogs” in the Ag Department; truly a gentleman who “practices what he preaches.” Thank you for recognizing him in MidWeek.
David Griffith
Dear David and B.J. Taum (writer of original Applause letter),
Bob is in New Jersey right now helping his parents with their Christmas tree business, but daughter Michelle gave us the scoop. “My dad has been doing this every day for as long as I can remember. When my brother and I were little, that’s how we got our allowance. Dad would pick up the recyclables and redeem them, not for money but to teach us the values he treasures, that you can save the earth one can at a time. He strongly supports the bottle bill because he feels it encourages people to think twice before throwing a can on the side of the road. He rides his bike to work (state Dept. of Agriculture, Pesticides Branch) and always carries trash bags to pick up what others have discarded.”
A standing ovation goes out to Bob Boesch for his Aloha Spirit.
Dear Pamela,
I would like to thank all the fabulous players at Hawaii Opera Theatre’s Ballo Italiano:
Francesco Valentini and Armando Beccaria, without whom we would not have tasted anything quite as superb at the Sheraton; the team of Allen Emura, Dale Oliva, Linda Rucci, Nikki Nielsen, Gordon Svec, Evan Morita, Greg Mills and Joseph Reyes, who helped produce a fabulous evening;
Stephanie Hee, Guy Merola, Jean Rolles and Anne Wright, who served on my tables committee; Deida Bourne and her lovely ladies at the reception; Gayleen Williams and Cheryl Minato and the Bank of Hawaii volunteer cashiers; Henry Akina, Karen Tiller and Anne Torphy, who provided the support team from the staff at HOT; and Darrel Pestana at Mini Cooper, who played so well with us and saw the connection between the Italian Opera season and a Mini Cooper! All the many dozens of retailers, artists and private supporters who donated to our auction,
And to all who came to play at this year’s Opera Ball, grazie and arriverderci!
Jill Friedman
Ballo Italiano Chair
Dear Jill,
With donations to non-profit organizations significantly down this year it’s wonderful to have support from the community for the arts.
Let the rafters echo with song!
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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