What Good Scouts Are All About

Wednesday - May 30, 2007
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Dear Pamela,
Please give Mr. David Doehm and his daughter, Caroline, a big round of APPLAUSE for their efforts helping my family at the annual Cub Scout Pinewood Derby/Girl Scout Powder-puff Derby at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall in Kailua.
My Brownie Scout daughter and her dad proudly sculpted her car, which they planned to bring together to the big race. Unfortunately, Dad was called away to work the night before, so I had to fill in. With no time to get a sitter, toting a heavy 2-year-old and holding onto a rambunctious 5-year-old, I nervously led my Scout daughter into the crowded race hall. Upon official weigh-in, my daughter’s car was (to our horror) slightly over the weight allowance and, as such, could not be entered in the race. We were directed to the “work” table where numerous other girls and their dads were busily honing their vehicles. Trembling at the prospect, as a mom with zero affinity for power tools, I was utterly lost. And there I stood, grasping two young children, with my woeful Scout daughter clutching her “perfect” car, apparently looking utterly lost and defeated.
Then appeared a smiling Mr. David Doehm! With power tools at the ready he drilled away on my daughter’s car. Mr. Doehm then used a hand tool (I think it was a chisel) to finish the task. His daughter, Caroline, a Cadet, or Junior Girl Scout, helped chisel as well.
Through all the mayhem, both Mr. Doehm and Caroline remained pleasant, and gave my family reassurance when we really needed it most. My husband and I are very grateful to them for taking time and having the patience to help us in my husband’s untimely absence.
We placed fourth over 40 cars! Hooray for our Scouting Angels! We thank the Doehms for exemplifying the tenets of
Scouting, of being friendly, courteous and kind, and helping other people at all times. They have reaffirmed why we, as parents, need to be willing participants and continue promoting Scouting for our children, teaching them to be valuable members of our community.
Valesia Seltmann
Dear Valesia,
Fourteen-year-old Caroline is proud of her dad and his power tool skills! “Their car was way overweight ‘cause it was wood surrounding a steel bar. So we had to chisel off some of the bottom. I felt bad about ruining the bottom because it was all sanded and looked perfect. My dad and I were glad she got to race.”

Dear Pamela,
When I returned to my car after shopping at Wal-Mart Keeaumoku, two men on security detail called my attention to gas leaking from my car. I had plans to meet friends at Ala Moana Center when a young woman noticed all the commotion. She drove me to the center so that I could tell my friends that I needed to wait for AAA to tow my car.
Regrettably, in my state of mind, I only remembered her first name, which was Kapu. I hope she reads APPLAUSE so she will know how much I appreciate her kind gesture.
Carol Aramaki
Hawaii Kai
Dear Carol,
“It was on the second floor, I remember,” says Wal-Mart assistant manager Charlie Kaouette. “One of our security men saw the leak and we were able to let her know. The car was towed away later. We were happy to help; that’s why we’re here.”
(If you know someone who deserves some Applause, send your letters to Pamela Young, MidWeek Applause, KITV, 801 S. King St., Honolulu, HI, 96813 or e-mail pyoung@kitv.com. Include your name, phone number and, if possible, the phone number of your “applaudee” so we can contact him or her.)
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