Yes, We Can Do It Again!

By Pam Chambers
Director, Winners’ Circle Breakfast Club
What do these people have in common? A Tina Turner impressionist, a relatively unknown Tony Robbins, a hilariously irreverent female minister from Kailua, cookie-man Wally Amos and a phrenologist. Answer: They were keynote speakers at the Winners’ Circle Breakfast Club - the place to go for networking and uplifting energy during the 1980s.
Winners’Circle was fresh, innovative and unconventional. People never knew quite what to expect, but they knew they wouldn’t be bored.
It’s been 30 years since Winners’Circle’s first breakfast and 20 years since its last.
I was the director of Winners’Circle for nearly 10 years. Based on founder Terry Cole-Whittaker’s San Diego model, this was a place where we could tell the world who we were and what we cared about. We ate fruit, yogurt and granola; we wore sandals and tie-dyed shirts. We were New Agers. Our creed was to speak only with good purpose and to take responsibility for creating and supporting an abundant environment. We would begin each meeting with an inspirational thought and finish with an inspirational song. (We Are the World was a favorite.)
As we moved into a new decade, Winners’ Circle came to a gentle and natural end. But, oh! The number of times people have asked me, “Winners’Circle! Can’t we do it again?”
We can!
On Nov. 9, from 7 to 8:30 a.m., we will gather again at The Pacific Club. As before, we will offer display tables, one-minute announcements and networking for all. Fully one-third of those who have signed up so far have never been to a WCBC event, but its reputation as a lively, optimistic and uplifting space has cast its net.
Our keynote speaker will be lifelong entrepreneur Roger Lane, who now resides in Hana. Roger was instrumental in bringing unique educational programs to Hawaii, including Winners’Circle. He opened the first Macintosh store in the Islands, Pineapple Computers. Roger will speak about “What It Means To Be A Winner.”
All are welcome, but space is limited. Tickets cost $30. For reservations, go to and click on the link at the top of the page. For more information or to pay by check, call 377-5679.
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