Fundamentally, USA Is Sound

Wednesday - May 06, 2009
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In his last campaign debate with John McCain, Barack Obama said, “This country needs fundamental change,” and his first 100 days indicate he is hellbent to carry it out - fundamental change?
He is saying this country, America, the most powerful militarily, the most influential diplomatically, the most responsible for technological change and innovation, the most advanced standard of living through free enterprise, the only one whose astronauts have walked the moon, the most generous in foreign aid, the most responsive with humanitarian relief in natural disasters anywhere, the country producing the most Nobel Prize winners in most categories (a measure of educational and creative opportunity), the one with the overall highest quality health care for the most people, the strongest guarantor of basic human rights, the one generating the most cultural trends copied by other countries (for better or worse), and still the strongest country economically, needs fundamental change?
America, the only country able and willing to literally save the people of Europe from the evils of Hitler’s genocidal fascism and the people of Asia from the unprecedented cruelty of Japanese imperialism, and then ensured post-war recovery, prosperity and freedom for both Germany and Japan, needs fundamental change?
America, the only country with the conscience enough to save the South Korean people from the Communist abyss suffered by their kin in the north, and the only country willing to sacrifice its blood and treasure, again far from our shores, to blunt the momentum of Chinese and North Vietnamese Communism thereby saving freedom for the rest of Southeast Asia. America, the only country with the commitment and technology to win the Cold War against the Communist scourges of Stalin’s gulags and ICBMs and of Mao’s Red Guards, needs fundamental change?
In its 236-year history, every time America has been attacked, its adversaries have learned the meaning of “Don’t tread on me!”
When the British invaded America to thwart our bid for independence, we bounced back from incredible hardship and near defeat until, through stubborn will and shrewd diplomacy with France, we beat the Brits at Yorktown and they quit.
Again, in 1812, the British invaded, and even after burning our Capitol and White House and much of Washington, America fought, and England was forced to sign an armistice even as they suffered a final humiliating defeat at New Orleans.
In December of 1941 after a Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, the American “sleeping giant” (according to the Japanese Adm. Yamamoto) awakened, quickly mobilized, and after three years of aerial and amphibious victories across the Pacific, ordered the Japanese to surrender.
For their refusal, they paid a horrendous price at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
America responded immediately to an unprecedented terrorist attack on its civilian populace by a fanatical al Qaida cell in 2001, tracked down and dislodged the perpetrators from their Afghan sanctuary, drove them into mountain exile, at the same time liberating the Afghans from the cruel and despotic sharia law of the Taliban.
And America needs fundamental change?
America is the only country in the world which guarantees its people a government of, by and for themselves.
America is the only country in the world founded upon Judeo-Christian principles and values, the only country in the world that acknowledges in its founding documents the inalienable rights of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for her people, granted not by man nor by government but by their creator.
And, yes, contrary to the president’s pronouncements, America is still basically a Christian nation.
Oh, and by the way, in his suck-up speech to Turkey’s Muslims, the president said, “(Islam) has done so much over the centuries to shape the world, including my own country.”
How, pray tell, by what stretch of the imagination, has Islam shaped America other than by creating a new vacant lot in lower Manhattan?
America is not perfect, Mr. President, but it does not need fundamental change. It is the most democratic, most free, most influential, most powerful yet most generous and merciful country in the history of this world.
It is indeed the world’s “last best hope.” You can be its president for four years, and tweak and fuss, but fundamental change? Just leave it alone!
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