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In just 3 months in office, Obama has made dozens of radical liberal changes that no president in the history of American had dared to make because they were just too liberal, too socialist.
He has done exactly what he said he would do - change things. But now even Europe is criticizing him for his liberal ways. Spending $2trillion dollars to fund his ultra liberalism is going to do exactly what spending did in the late 70’s, bring on hyperinflation.
He has legalized the destruction of embryos and has not allowed doctors to live by their conscience.
I do hope Obama fails in all these liberal things he is doing. I know he will fail because socialism has failed in other countries and that is the direction he is taking us.
Marx would be proud of Obama, but our Founding Fathers would hang him as a traitor.
Posted by oahu real estate on 04/10 at 03:56 PM
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