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Through the years of reading Jerry Coffee’s column we learn things about his past and much about his service to our country. Jerry is a true American hero, one who has paid more than any should be asked to do. A POW, an honorable soldier, one who has sacrificed his life and safety and will never get back the years of torture and time in the hands of an enemy the world feared being a victim of and Jerry survived it all. If there anything shocking about Jerry is that through it all he still remained a gentlemen and patriot. To you shmucks out there, you ignoramus self serving imprudent unAmerican commentators: I say to you in defiance of your ugly remarks - if there is anyone who has the right to question our president, our policies, our government - it’s Jerry Coffee! Defender of our country, American hero, paid with his own bloodl for the right to be an American, the right to an opinion, the right to question any president especially one who hasn’t served in defending this county in time of war. The real question we should be asking about Obama’s presidency is why does he have the world record for the most amount of golf time when we are at war, economic disaster, worst unemployment, hated by the world and a country being torn apart by the very people we voted to protect us. Why is it so important to be golfing 3 - 4 times a week?
Johnny Kai
Posted by Stardom on 04/26 at 03:25 AM
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