Healing The Whole Person
Interviewed by Rasa Fournier
Wednesday - January 18, 2012
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Dr. Diana Joy Ostroff
Naturopathic physician and owner of the Center for Natural Healing
Where did you receive your schooling/training?
I started at the University of Delaware pursuing a degree in psychology, then I went for pre-med at the University of Oregon. After that I went to the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland for my naturopathic medicine studies, which is a four-year accredited medical program. Concurrently, I studied Oriental medicine and homeopathy. I did advanced training at the Oriental Medical Institute in Honolulu to complete my acupuncture education, and additional study and training in Japan with some of the top masters of the healing arts.
How long have you been practicing?
I have been a naturopathic physician and doctor of traditional Chinese medicine for 23 years.
Can you give an overview of what you do at the Center for Natural Healing?
As a naturopathic physician, I am a primary care doctor. I look at the holistic aspect of the person, not just the symptoms. I work with mind, body and spirit to bring an individual back into healthful balance, following naturopathic and Chinese medicine philosophy. According to ancient Chinese medicine, everything starts from the emotions, therefore I address the emotional aspects of the person in conjunction with the physiology. I also access the health of the gastrointestinal system, the endocrine or hormonal system and the immune system, and work toward optimal health and well-being for each individual.
What do you mean by “holistic”?
Holistic medicine has to do with the fact that though genetics plays a percent in the grand scheme, the environment is even more impactful: the food we eat, the way we were raised, the thoughts we have, our belief systems about healing. We want to make sure every part of the system is optimally functioning so that we have complete wellness.
I focus on the gastrointestinal system and nutrition because everything we consume and how it’s digested, assimilated, utilized in the body and how it’s being eliminated or not all affect how we’re going to feel. Reproductive hormones affect our mood, so a lot of how we feel is affected by our endocrine system. Stress works against our adrenal glands, therefore, all of these aspects and the causal agents must be identified and treated accordingly. I always seek to find the cause of any condition.
Do you include pharmaceutical medicine in your treatment?
I choose not to use pharmaceutical medicine, unless it’s necessary. I prefer to find alternatives to pharmaceutical medicine to prevent unwanted side-effects. I keep everything as organic and holistic as possible, even when it comes to hormones. I use natural hormones, either plantbased or bioidentical hormones, whatever will be in line with that person’s ability to heal completely. I have not needed to prescribe antibiotics because I have herbalbased antibiotics and anti-virals that work like magic. I have an advanced testing apparatus to see what the necessity of the client is and to make sure a remedy suits the patient.
Is there a particular area you specialize in?
My specialties include all female conditions, including PMS, menopausal symptoms, pediatric care, digestive system health, and energy and emotional health.
I specialize in the treatment of mothers and their children. Mothers pay attention to their kids, but they often forget about themselves, so as a holistic, pediatric specialist, I take care of the babies, but I always notice the mother. The baby is only going to be as healthy as mom is. I find that if I treat the mother, the baby gets better. I have a new book, The Wisdom of Well-Being The Joy of Eating For Kids and their Moms. When I get a kid who can understand that sugar makes them hyper and ice cream makes their ears stuffy, they in turn remind their parents. When the children become empowered to be in control of their own life, it’s a phenomenal life change for the whole family.
Are there any conditions you see most commonly here in Hawaii?
I see a great deal of individuals with asthma, allergies, eczema and conditions associated with digestive system imbalance, such as bloating, toxic gut, diabetes and constipation. A significantly large percentage of individuals come to me on medications that they are having side-effects from, and we find a healthy alternative which restores their health and makes them feel better. I have a passion for assisting people in feeling absolutely amazing, better than they ever felt before. I have assisted patients in eliminating the need for up to 15 prescription drugs and being pain-, depressionand discomfort-free.
You have naturopathic, homeopathic, acupuncture, Oriental medicine how do you know which to use and when?
If you come to me with a list of complaints, I take care of the most critical, the acute discomfort, so that you feel better.
With every patient who comes, I do a thorough evaluation and I come up with a treatment plan, which usually combines the modalities. My physical treatments include acupressure, acupuncture and spinal alignment. During the acupuncture treatments, patients are given the quiet time and space to totally relax and let their body heal itself.
My job is to make sure everyone is healthy and gets the results they’re looking for. I make sure they’re on the right meds
-the right herbs and natural medicine. I have thousands of remedies to choose from. I use Chinese medicine, Western herbs, Chinese herbs, homeopathics, glandular support, vitamins, minerals, enzymes; and I make sure they’re organic, clean and pure. All my natural medicine is of the highest medicinal quality. The body has inherent wisdom to heal itself, and if you treat it right and give it the right guidelines, the body will know how to respond. Again, we have to look at all parts, at the whole. Natural medicine is not all made the same way and, for best results, needs to be prescribed properly.
Do you accept insurance?
Yes. We’re covered by AcuPlan, ASH, workers’ comp, no-fault, HMAA and a variety of private insurance plans.
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