Martha Jane Urann
As Told To Kerry Miller
Where and with whom did you see the movie?
I went to Ward. I went with my friend Pam Staats, a local actress.
Overall, what did you think?
I liked it, but it’s not the greatest movie ever made. I especially enjoyed the smaller performances of Steve Martin and Sigourney Weaver. Steve Martin plays this hippy-dippy corporate owner. I’m a big fan of the gals from Saturday Night Live.
From a female comic’s perspective, how would rate the performances of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler?
Especially enjoyable was the scene where Amy Poehler enters the maternity ward. It’s not one of the slapstick comedies where everybody’s getting a pie in the face. It’s a chick flick, a funny chick flick.
What about the storyline? Was the relationship between the two ladies believable, as well as the whole surrogate mother/giving birth process?
Yes, because I know that this exists. People contact certain attorneys who are known to be baby brokers. Private adoption or surrogacy is alive and well in this country.There are places where it’s done locally. I’ve read in the paper where there are some women who have done it multiple times. I think it’s something that’s going on; it’s plausible.The relationship between the two women builds. It starts out being a financial relationship and it builds to something else.

Overall, how was the acting? Did anyone stand out?
Greg Kinear, he’s fabulous. It’s got a good cast. I love that Tina Fey is not afraid to wear glasses in everyday life.
On a scale of one to four stars, what would you rate this movie?
It’s a ★★★.
Who would you recommend this movie to?
As I said, it’s a chick flick, (but) I think it’s a movie anybody would enjoy.
What’s your favorite type of movie?
I always like to see every single movie that’s nominated for an Academy Award. For me, the Academy Awards is what the Super Bowl is for football fans. Last year I just loved Le Vie En Rose.This year, they put in movies that wouldn’t be trampled by an Academy Award flurry. I like to see musicals. I loved Dreamgirls.
How often do you go to the movies?
At least once a month. I’m also a NetFlicks person. I just ordered Gone Baby Gone and just saw Juno.
Favorite movie snack?
I like to bring my own. The theater snacks are so expensive. I don’t usually like to eat in the movies. I have a group of friends we call ourselves “The Film Society.“After we see the movie, we go to a place to have food and then we talk about the movie and hash it over.When Pam and I went, afterward we went to Tio’s Garage. We talked about the movie; it was a lot of fun.
What’s new?
I’m going to the Mainland for a comedian reunion with my old buddies from the New York improv. I’ll be back in June and will be popping into Sharkey’s Comedy Club doing a few sets.
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