Dr. Seuss Horton Hears A Who
HTY Actors
Cast of Honolulu Theatre for Youth’s Ferdinand The Bull
As Told To Kerry Miller
Where did you all see the movie? Kalai Stern : With Kimo (Kaona), Pomai (Lopez) and Andrew (Doan) at Dole Cannery.
Overall, what did everyone think? Kalai: I thought it was delightful. I really like all of those comedians. It was great to hear all of them work together - Carol Burnett, Steve Carell.
Andrew: I thought it was an excellent movie, very good animation.
Pomai: I loved it. I thought it was creative.
The four of you do theater productions for youth, so was this a good kid flick?
Kalai: Yes. I would recommend it highly.
Andrew: It was excellent, totally family-friendly. The comedy was on a level that kids really could laugh at.
Kimo: It was a great kids movie. There were enough jokes for adults to appreciate.
Pomai: I thought it was fun. Overall, it was great for kids.

Are any of you familiar with Dr. Seuss, and if so, how does this movie compare to the book?
Kalai: I remember reading Dr. Seuss when I was in elementary school. I don’t think I remember reading Horton. I remember The Lorax. We used to watch that on the film reels.
Andrew: I’ve read almost everything. I actually have original printings of most of his early books.
Kimo: I wasn’t a big Dr. Seuss kid, but was familiar with the story.
Pomai: I was familiar with the story. I read Dr. Seuss when I was younger, too.
What about the actors doing the voices? Who did really well?
Kalai: The voiceover-type of work, they don’t do it together. Acting on stage, you’re acting with other people, it’s different just to do voice work. I’m always amazed in the animated films how well it works.
Andrew: Steve Carell was fabulous. Jim Carrey was amazing, very Robin Williams-esque. The one I was really blown away by was Carol Burnett. She was very, very good.
Kimo: They did a great job. Seth Rogan, it was surprising to hear his voice. Jim Carrey did a great job. Carol Burnett was great as the kangaroo.
Pomai: Jim Carrey, of course. Steve Carell - my favorite. They were great.
How about the animation, what did everyone think?
Andrew: There were two different levels - the CGI, the modern animation. It was extremely Dr. Seuss-directed. There was a second level of animation, it was all of Horton’s imagination. It was two-dimensional. It kind of had a Japan animation edge to it.
Kimo: It was really well done.The very first image is a water droplet falling off a leaf. I thought it was real. There are parts in the movie where it shifts into 2-D animation, and it’s really entertaining.
Pomai: Yes, it was great. Lots of colors. Especially when Horton goes swimming - it’s really cool. There was one character we all loved. She’s a teacher, I guess, from the jungle, a little yellow puffball. When she opens her mouth she can fly. I thought that was really cute!
On a scale of one to four stars, what would you rate this movie?
Kalai: I’d say ★★★★.
Andrew: Close to ★★★★, a ★★★.75
Kimo: I’d probably give it a ★★★.25.
Pomai: I’d give it ★★★★. It kept us laughing.
To whom would you all recommend this movie?
Kalai: I recommend it to families - actually, to everyone.
Andrew: Everyone. It’s in that same genre as all the great CGI animation that Disney has been putting out. Wonderfully family friendly. There are levels of humor in it that everyone will get.
Kimo: Kids and kids at heart.
How often do you all go to the movies?
Kalai: I used to, but now that I’m working I have different jobs so it’s hard to get out sometimes. Mostly now it’s Netflix.
Andrew: Not as often as I’d like. We are fans of the $1 theater when we can get there.
Kimo: I used to, but not anymore. It’s so expensive, too, now. We calculated it, and for the four of us we spent $90. We didn’t eat before we went.
Pomai: Usually it’s when it’s something I want to see, but not as often as others. When I have time.
Favorite movie snack?
Kalai: I like popcorn and mochi crunch.
Andrew: I’m a big fan of nuts and fruits. I will admit at the beginning of a movie I can’t resist popcorn, but by the end I regret it.
Kimo: Nachos.
Pomai: I love Sour Patch Kids, and popcorn and M&Ms.
What’s new?
Kalai: Ferdinand the Bull opens April 4. HTY (Honolulu Theatre for Youth) we’ll be ending our season with this. I’m also the choral director at HPU. I’m working with that program and we’re going to be touring China-Xian and Beijing for a little over a week (after Ferdinand is over).
Andrew: I’m also technical director at Castle High School. They have an amazing production of Cabaret. It’s an extremely edgy thing for a high school to do, and they’re doing a really tasteful job of it.
Kimo: (Ferdinand the Bull) That’s my big focus right now. Next week we go into tech week where we work 12 hours a day. I’m really excited. It’s such a fun show, a lot of audience participation.
Pomai: Right now it’s just Ferdinand. I’m a full-time actor with HTY. I’m also an artist educator with the Alliance for Drama Education. In the summer, I work with Paliku Academy for Performing Arts. Me and a couple of friends started it last year. I’ll be returning this summer to help teach kids theater.
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