Mark Kurano
Fighters’ Club Productions President
I>as told to Kerry Miller
Where and with whom did you see the movie?
I saw the movie at Dole Cannery with my producer from Fighters’ Club Radio and also SMART Magazine editor Sarah Honda and her friend Steve Kanemoto.
Overall, what did you think?
This was definitely a feel-good movie about friendship, loyalty, dedication and vengeance, with heads being blown apart. Punisher doesn’t try to be something it’s not, and shots are framed in a comic book manner which makes the gore actually hilarious and rewarding.When the Punisher’s brand of justice is coming, you can see it from miles out, and you think: “No way, they’re not going there.”
What about the acting, did anyone stand out? Did you recognize anyone famous?
The acting was fantastic for the type of roles this movie had to offer. I’d say the death scenes truly allowed the actors to showcase their stuff. I especially liked the whole shishkabob barbecue action at the end. The only person I really recognized was the actor who played Newman on Seinfeld.
Did you see 2004’s The Punisher? If so, how does Punisher: War Zone compare to it?
I did see the first installment and hated it because they really pulled punches and it really didn’t do the comic justice at all. I was a huge Marvel Comic fan back in the ‘80s, and The Punisher was one of my favorite heroes. War Zone is a lot closer to the comic, being more brutal than the first.

What about the character’s costumes/wardrobe, did the characters dress like they do in the comic book?
For the most part, the Punisher dressed the role, although not like the way he did in the comic back in the ‘80s. The Punisher that I remember used to be dressed in black spandex, or something stretchy like that, from neck to toe.
On a scale of one to four stars, what would you rate this movie?
On pure feel-goodness, I’d give it a solid ★★ 1/2.
To whom would you recommend this movie?
I recommend this movie to that guy who’s stuck behind that 35 mph left-lane freeway driver who’s passive aggressively trying to ruin people’s lives - and makes it worse by speeding up when you try to pass. Then of course, our friends in law enforcement who, day in and day out, have to deal with third-world, drug-infested, domestic-crime hell - I’m sure they’d appreciate this movie. And let’s not forget the crazy, psychotic exgirlfriends and boyfriends - they might get a kick out of this flick, too.
What’s new?
I run two Gracie Jiu Jitsu schools - Gracie KTeam, which is in Kaneohe, and Uptown Jiu Jitsu and Tae Kwon Do in Nuuanu. They’re both great places to train at, whether you’re into the UFC, martial arts or just there for the fitness and social aspects. Check out www.graciekteam.com for information on schedules, locations, instructors and prices. Fighters Club Radio on 1500AM is currently on hiatus as my co-host, Patrick Freitas, settles into his new home of New York City. We are in talks to start streaming the show live via the Internet maybe as early as January. And of course, Fighters’ Club Television airs on Oceanic Channel 52 (Olelo Oahu) every Tuesday night at 8 p.m.
You can always find me in a subforum, The Hawaii Underground, as a moderator on www.mixedmartialarts.com.
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