The Comebacks
Wanda Shipp
Business Manager/Owner of Sharkey’s Comedy Club in Aiea
As Told To Kerry Miller
Where and with whom did you see the movie?
I went to Kapolei Theaters. I had a meeting in Kapolei. I went with a friend of mine, Sandy, who was in town visiting. She came in from Kona.
Overall, what did you think?
It was funny. I thought it was good, directed toward guys because it has a lot of “guy humor.” What made me laugh more than anything was how it reminded me of our Open Mic Night. Definitely it appeals to the younger man - the college age and 30-something men.
Was the story believable?
Yes, it was. It was about two friends who were coaches, and one was the rival.

Who was your favorite character?
Actually, Andy Dick was in it. He has a small cameo part. He was a referee. Also, the basketball player with all the tattoos, Dennis Rodman.
Favorite scene?
When Trotter (Jackie Long), one of the players, pulled up in his limo, he pulled up
How would you rate the acting?
Overall it was entertaining.
David Koechner stars. Have you seen his other movies (Anchor Man, Reno 911: Miami, Balls of Fury). How does this one compare? How was his acting specifically?
He pulls off the corniness of the story that needed to be portrayed. Throughout the movie there were a lot of spoofs on songs, TV shows and movies.
Was there anything predictable about this movie - the storyline, ending, a relationship with characters?
The football team, of course, was going to win. That’s part of what it was all about, the rivalry between the two coaches. The lead character, Lambeau Fields (Koechner), had been qualified as a loser throughout his life. Part of why he was a loser was because of his friend, Coach Freddie Wiseman (Carl Weathers), was a rival who he didn’t realize was always setting him up for failure. Fields ended up escaping failure in the end.
You said that it reminded you of Open Mic Night at Sharkey’s. How so?
The male humor and what guys find funny.We as women laugh because we can’t believe men find some things funny or corny.
Would you recommend this movie to others? If so, to whom?
It’s PG-13, so 17 and above.
Out of four stars, with four being the highest, what would you rate this movie?
I’d rate it ***

Favorite movie snack?
Popcorn. Always popcorn.
Favorite movie(s), actor, actress?
I’ve gotta say Samuel L. Jackson, because I had the opportunity to meet him and talk to him. I have a picture of me with him in my office. (I met him) through a media event. I was part of planning when he was in town two years for HIFF. There were only 15 of us. I had liked him before and I enjoy his movies.To meet him in person and to hear how he got started and his suggestions for young actors, and what to do to stay affiliated with acting, it was very cool.
What’s new?
Comedy-hypnotist Ken Whitener is coming to town Nov. 29 and 30, and Dec. 1, 6-8. Whitener returns to Sharkey’s for a two-week engagement. On Nov. 2, the Comedy Crusaders (improv troupe) are holding a one-year anniversary (event) with a Thanksgiving food drive for the Hawaii Foodbank . Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show is at 8. Pre-reservations will get in for a discount. Call 531-HAHA.We’re very happy a lot of our troops are back. Our military personnel are coming in again. They’re back to comedy again. They’re a huge support, as well as our local folks.
Next week: a new movie, a new celebrity
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