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The Wicker Man
Lopaka Kapanui
Owner of GSI Hawaii, storyteller and author
As Told To Melissa Moniz
Where and with whom did you see the movie?
I went to the Ward Theatres, and I went by myself.
Overall what did you think of the movie?
I think if you’re the type of person who just came out of a relationship and who’s sort of psychotic, then this is not the movie to go to see.
What was the scariest part in the movie?
The scariest part was where Nicolas Cage was helping the mother and daughter in the station wagon and the daughter threw her doll out the window. And so he went to the middle of the road to grab it for her, and when he turns around out of nowhere this 18-wheeler truck just creams the car with the mother and daughter still inside.

Is it more a ghost-type movie or a suspense-type of movie?
It’s very suspenseful and, of course, the payoff is at the end. I won’t say, but if you’re smart like I am you’ll probably figure out the movie right in the beginning.
Was is your typical scary movie or did it have a deeper message?
It did have a deeper message, and that is if you come out of a relationship with a woman who is psychotic then don’t see this movie.
Is it a movie that you would see again?
No, not for a while because that was just messed up.
Are you easily spooked by scary movies? And if so, did this movie affect you?
This is one of those movies that gets to you on a deeper level. If you’ve been through a traumatic type of relationship and you’re trying to put all that behind you, then this movie will bring all of that right back up.
On a scale from one to 10, with 10 being really scary, how would you rate the movie?
I would have to rate it a 10 because it just disturbed me. And considering what I do for a living I’m not easily disturbed.
Would you say this is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
I can’t say scariest because a scary movie scares you right there and then. It’s sort of like a roller coaster ride where you get off and say wow that was cool. But this is one of those movies that affects you on a subconscious level and stays with you.
In a four star rating, with four being the highest, what would you rate it?
I would have to say three stars.
What’s your favorite movie snack?
It has to be popcorn with lots of salt on it, and sneaking in a bottle of furikake from Daiei.
Do you have a favorite movie theater?
Yes, I like to go the most haunted theater on all of Oahu, but unfortunately it’s closed down because of the flood.
Is that the Kahala Theatre?
It is. I like to particularly go to Theatre 6 because it’s rumored that that theater is haunted by the faceless woman. If you read my second book, The Legends of Morgan’s Corner, the whole explanation of who this faceless woman was when she was a human being and how she got to where she is today is all in there.
What’s new?
My second book came out, The Legends of Morgan’s Corner. And since September of last year I broke away from Chicken Skin and I’m on my own now.I’m running my own ghost tours and pretty much busy with no life. I have ghost tours every Friday and Saturday, and I do ghost tours at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, and then I have the walking tour. So I have about five tours going on right now. And I’m teaching during the day at Voyager Charter School. I’m also developing a sixth tour called Infidelity Points. And it’s the five different places that are haunted by women who have been murdered or committed suicide because of their male counterpart, and are now haunting these places to get revenge. It’s a couples-only tour, and our last stop is the Makapuu Lookout, and it’s at that stop that I reveal to all the women on the tour how they can find out if their man is cheating on them. And we find out right there and then.
How accurate is this?
It’s very accurate. In fact, a radio personality whose name I won’t mention - she told me before I revealed what I had to say that her boyfriend followed her home one day from a party in Hahaione and they went through Makapuu. And when they got to Makapuu she could still see him in her rear view mirror, but when they got past Makapuu he was gone. When he got back to her house like a couple hours later, he was all out of it and feverish with eyes rolling over.And when he came out of it she asked him what happened, and he said that he was following her and as soon as he got to the Makapuu Lookout area there was a shadow in the passenger seat and the shadow kept telling him to crash the truck, crash the truck.And it turns out that they broke up because he was cheating.And then I told her this story that there’s a woman’s ghost at the Makapuu Lookout that only appears to men who are cheating on their wives or girlfriends.
Next week: a new movie, a new celebrity
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