Ed & Heather Kurzenski
Chief Technical Officer, Mobi PCS, and daughter, Heather, 12
As Told To Kerry Miller
Where and with whom did you see the movie?
Ed: We went to Koko Marina.
Overall, what did you think?
Ed: I thought it was a good movie. I liked some of the underlying messages it had.
Heather: I really enjoyed the movie because it was very hi-tech.I liked seeing what might be in the future.
What about the technology that appears in the film - what does Wall-E do?
Ed: There were some interesting technical parts that played into the underlying undercurrent. It might have been a satiric shot at Western society.Humans had evolved off of the Earth, lived on a spaceship and were never without a Big Gulp soda and couldn’t walk.It was really fun how they sent messages with all this stuff. It’s really funny when the robots reboot themselves, they use the Apple tone. It’s not really applicable to my job,but it’s something I hear every day. The robot Wall-E has built himself a warehouse of spare parts from other robots and knows to go into this warehouse thing and fix himself.The systems of Mobi can tell you when they’re broken.They can’t fix themselves, but they can tell you when they’re broken.
Heather: I liked when Wall-E was learning about the spacecraft and when he would clean up stuff. And I liked it when he could know what was going on and seeing stuff in the future.

Tell us about the story.Was there an overall message that was important?
Ed: To make sure we take care of our world, and if we don’t there could be significant consequences.Also,we need to take care of ourselves or you’ll end up in a hovercraft strapped to a Big Gulp.
Heather: I liked how it had a lot of morals in the story. I learned that we have to keep our environment clean or it’s just going to become a wasteland,and we will have to find something to do with all that waste. And about global warming and that we don’t turn our world into a dump.
Since there are few humans in the movie, what is the dialogue like?
Ed: It’s really funny,because the whole first half of the movie has no dialogue.It’s the robots and they use plays on words that you can easily get the meaning of.Once the dialogue starts, it’s up in the ship where all the humans are. Earth had been trashed and was uninhabited.
Heather: I liked it without the dialogue.
On a scale of one to four stars, what would you rate this movie?
Ed: I’d give it ★★★1/2.
Heather: I give it ★★★★. I really, really liked it. I thought it was funny.
To whom would you recommend this movie?
Ed: It’s one of those movies that parents will enjoy taking their kids to, rather than sitting through something just to do it.This is one that parents also can enjoy.
Heather: I recommend it to children and kids my age ‘cuz they’d understand all the story.
Favorite movie snack?
Ed: Hot Tamales.
Heather: I like to get Gummi worms.
What’s your favorite type of movie?
Ed: I like spy/intrigue things,Bourne Identity.
Heather: Comedies.
What’s new?
Ed: I work for Mobi and I’m the chief technical officer.We just launched Hele, a mobile broadband product,last Thursday.It’s a device you plug into a laptop and can get high-speed Internet access anywhere on the Island. You can take your computer into the movies and surf the Internet.That,plus big improvements on Neighbor Island coverage.
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