May 25, 2011 Share |

Welcome to Kimo’s Vegas… the Players Edge!
LEBRON JAMES IS rumored to have one of the single highest bar tabs in Vegas history. It included 33 bottles of Cristal champagne ($59K), a six-liter bottle of the famous bubbly ($50K), a bottle of Dom ($25K), Fiji water ($176), Grey Goose ($925) and more. How much does it cost a player to be like Lebron? Try $171,937.53 - plus tip.
AT TRYST NIGHTCLUB, a customer’s Cinco De Mayo celebration included a $100,000 bottle of Nebuchadnezzars of Veuve Clicquot (don’t worry if you can’t pronounce it, just ask for the club’s best bottle), 16 bottles of Dom (at $850 apiece), eight bottles of Dom Luminous ($950 each), water, Red Bull and a 20-percent tip ($29,581.20), putting a $189,375.98 ding on the AMEX Black.
THE SAHARA HAS officially sevened out, and Dane Pollack from Green Tea Hawaii remembers beating the 25-percent house odds and hitting the fire bet at the ghost-cino before he saw Big Red.
SECOND ONLY TO Ashton Kutcher replacing Charlie Sheen is the question “Who will take care of Jerry’s Kids?” Last week Jerry Lewis said he’s hanging up his tux and retiring from the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s Labor Day telethon this year (Sept 4.) after hosting it for 45 years.
CHA-CHING: IT wasn’t the sound of another Megabucks Jackpot, but the sound of $10 million dropping into Mitt Romney’s campaign hopper. That’s how much the former guv of Massachusetts raised in one day at the Las Vegas Convention Center - and he hasn’t even officially announced his run for the job of Commander-In-Chief.
IN HIS LATEST book, Physics of the Future, Dr. Michio Kaku says, “Commuting to work won’t be such an agonizing chore because cars will drive themselves.” If Google gets its way, Nevada will be the first city in the world to have driverless cars. The search engine giant is lobbying lawmakers to legalize the operating of autonomous automobiles on public roads. Can you imagine cruising down the Strip traffic free? And, yes, they also want to legalize talking and texting if your car can drive itself.
PUPULE LAW: DID you know that it’s illegal for a new home in Las Vegas to have a front lawn?
THE LATEST MOVIE-INSPIRED slot to hit Caesars floors is the movie that was filmed on location twice ... check out the Hangover slot at KimosVegas.com.
MICHAEL JACKSON’S 1984 Victory Tour, Swarovski crystal-studded shirt sold at a Vegas auction for $52,500 and the singer’s painting of Mickey Mouse sold for $20,000. The items belonged to David Guest, the promoter who was introduced to Liza Minnelli by the best man at their wedding ... Michael Jackson.
NOW THAT’s A big number… five Strip hotels recycled 15,200,000 pounds of uneaten food last year.
RUMORS ON THE Internet speculate that the Las Vegas Hilton is in for a name change.
VEGAS REUNIONS: Kaimuki Class of 1976, Oct. 21 to 23, email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). com ... Moanalua Class of 1991, updating contact list, email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) ... and the Radford Class of 1971, Oct. 20-22, email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
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