Letters To The Editor

June 07, 2006 - MidWeek
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It’s Scientology
Regarding the Newsmaker article on Kelly Preston and Narconon, I was surprised that it did not mention that the program is based on the principles of the Church of Scientology.
Jane Lee
Hawaiian votes
In Bob Jones’ column “Dems’ Tough Pick: Akaka or Case?” he wrote, “Hawaiians can be expected to go for Akaka, but how many of them will go to the polls primary day? It’s a Saturday, a beach and picnic day, and UH plays a home football game against Las Vegas.”
Hawaiians, are you going to take this challenge lying down? Or are you going to let go of the “beach and picnic day” and the “home football game against Las Vegas” day and show Mr. Jones that Hawaiians care about elections too!
Are you going to let all the Bob Joneses of Hawaii continue to label Hawaiians as people who only care about surfing and picnicking? Or are you going to show up on election day?
I am a white-haired, 75-year-old woman who grew up in the pineapple fields of Kauai but determined to get an education so I could not only vote, but know who I was voting for! I challenge all you Hawaiians to join me on Saturday, Sept. 23, primary election day, to vote and show the Bob Joneses and the world that Hawaiians don’t only surf, picnic and watch TV!
Thanks to Mr. Jones for the challenge!
Yoshie Tanabe
Hawaii Kai
No Akaka, no Case
According to Bob Jones, Ed Case is 100 percent pro-abortion. He thinks a 13-year-old girl should be able to have her unborn baby killed without first getting her parents’ permission. He believes abortion should be allowed in all nine months of pregnancy. He also believes in cloning and killing tiny babies for research. He also believes in same-sex marriage. He doesn’t believe in prayer in school.
Daniel Akaka has a 100 percent pro-abortion voting record, too.
I will vote for neither politician. Both are pro-death, and do not believe in the authority of parents over their children. They will further erode our once great country’s values.
I urge all Hawaii residents to vote for the unborn keiki, the most vulnerable, the most helpless of God’s creations.
Teresa Fredericks
Student causes
I want to thank Eilevon Dahilog from Washington Middle School for writing a fantastic letter to the editor about cigarettes. It’s great that kids like us could get involved in the community to help improve the environment! I totally agree that smoking is bad for everybody’s health. It also pollutes the air. Second-hand smokers need fresh air to breathe. Cigarettes should be banished!
Personally, I’m very concerned about recycling newspapers. My neighbors are always tossing their daily newspapers into the trashcan because it’s convenient. It really upsets me! I always try to take as much newspaper as I can to school to fill up the recycling bags. It makes my backpack heavier to carry and inconvenient too. We need to have newspaper recycling bins in every house and in public areas. The bins should be easy to identify. Collecting trucks could drive around the island several times per month to collect people’s newspapers and drop them off at recycling centers. If more people recycle newspapers, then less trees would be killed.
Michelle Kwock Honolulu Community
Hawaiian votes
Jerry Coffee’s column on a light rail alternative is pretty good. One suggestion: Instead of paying your “toll bill at the end of the month,” as Mr. Coffee says is done in other places, tollway users should either pay on the spot or in advance; and it shouldn’t be hard to figure out procedures for doing so.
Not that I don’t trust my fellow citizens, but I’d want to ensure no freeloaders.
Jao Ottinger
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