Letters To The Editor

December 28, 2005 - MidWeek
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Everyone’s reading
Local Motion would like to thank MidWeek for Yu Shing Ting’s cover story “Local Surf Fashionistas” in the Nov. 25 issue of MidWeek the weekend.
Lately, our goal has been to educate the Hawaii market that Local Motion does indeed design and produce its own juniors’surf line for young women. Even though this line has been around for a while, we have found that local girls often had no idea Local Motion designed and manufactured a juniors’ clothing line, or they believed we just labeled existing product with our logo.
Although it is too early to see a direct correlation between the article and retail sales, we view this article as a success, as it has generated a positive response by friends and customers who read the issue. In fact, Cindy and Tamar continue to receive comments from friends and business associates who have read and were impressed by their story.
Prior to this, our retail general manager and I have been reluctant to advertise in MidWeek the weekend, as we were unsure of how many people were reading it compared to the original MidWeek. The wonderful portrayal of our girl designers has made us rethink this idea. Based on the number of people who saw this article, it is obvious that people are indeed familiar with MidWeek the weekend and actually do pick it up and read it more consistently than we originally thought.
MidWeek has definitely helped to get the word out about our surfing fashionistas and their awesome work, and for that we thank you. Keep up the good work!
Mitch McEwen
Marketing Director, Local Motion
Eco-Mufi gets it
Bob Jones just doesn’t get it. Mayor Hannemann has done more in 10 months for recycling and the island environment than the previous administration did in 10 years in office.
By expanding the curbside pick-up of bulky item trash to those areas of Oahu that didn’t have a regularly scheduled pick up, and by putting emphasis on curbside recycling of green waste, the Hannemann administration is taking great strides to reduce the amount of waste that goes to our landfill.
Mayor Hannemann didn’t halt curbside recycling of cans and bottles, because there was no curb-side recycling of cans and bottles to halt.
Mr. Jones should get off his can and take his empties to be recycled like everyone else is doing if he really cares about recycling and the environment. It appears instead he just wants to be waited on hand and foot.
Bill Brennan
Press Secretary to the Mayor
The Xmas war ploy
Regarding Bill O’Reilly and the “war on Christmas:” I was the father of two boys, and had a spouse who got childish pleasure from the pageantry, suspense and devotion surrounding Christmas.
Now the neo-con religious right has chosen to libel the liberals, in an attempt to make a political issue of what they see as insufficient devotion.
As a result, I find my own anticipation and enjoyment of Christmas has been destroyed by those making Christmas a political ploy.
Happy holidays?
Lance Bateman
Retelling a Viet lie
Rick Hamada’s “history” of the Vietnam war is proof that a lie told long enough becomes true in the minds of many people.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened. The U.S. Navy ship was not fired upon by a North Vietnamese patrol boat. The whole thing was trumped up by Lyndon Johnson as a pretext for expanding the war. Defense Department employee Daniel Ellsberg revealed this lie in 1971 in the so-called Pentagon Papers, which were published by the New York Times.
William Starr Moake
Nuuanu Valley
The big ID question
I have just one question for the alleged Intelligent Designer of the Earth and all its life: What the hell were you thinking when you designed the mosquito?
I’ll look forward to the letters of response from those who so gladly speak for the great Intelligent Designer, He/She/It never having designed a personal voice for all to clearly hear.
Erik Woods
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