Letters To The Editor

February 16, 2011 - MidWeek
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There’s HOPE
Great cover story on Judge Steve Alm and HOPE probation. I was not aware of this very successful program, or that a full two-thirds of the criminals in our justice system are on the streets, on parole - 8,200 on Oahu alone! That is truly frightening. Kudos to the good judge and all others who make this program work so well that other states are adopting it. And thanks to MidWeek for bringing us this important story.
Al Matsumoto
God vs. religion
If God was the air we breathe, religion would be tantamount to grabbing a handful of it and claiming to own it all. Last I checked, air was on everyone’s side indivisibly and equally, surrounding us all without any ideology or creed.
The religious right is obviously upset with Hawaii’s new political arena not being against abortion and same sex marriage. Abortion versus a woman’s freedom of choice is a heart and soul wrenching issue which will probably never be reconciled, while the passing of civil union rights is practically inevitable.
People may have their beliefs and concepts of what God is or is not, but no one and no religion owns God. Calling politicians “Godless” because they do not share one’s particular beliefs about what God wants is pointless spiritual slander. It is my guess that God avoids politics and religion altogether.
Bruce Lee
Hawaii Kai
Cut public payroll
Kudos to Bob Jones for pointing out the ridiculous gap between what government workers earn versus the vast majority in the private sector. Likewise for retirement packages. I’ve known people who were hired by a government agency and declared they were “set for life.” That’s just not right, especially when they’re working for “we the people.”
I’m not crazy about going back on past agreements, but it is those same agreements that helped dig us into such a deep hole. Fair is fair.
Daniel Chang
Funny in absentia
Thank you for publishing Ron Nagasawa’s past columns when he is on vacation. Reading last week’s column, about him using a bleach stick instead of a stain-removing stick on the front of his trousers, I recalled reading it the first time, and this time I laughed out loud all over again.
Ellen Yamane
Parents’ lies
Bruce Cameron’s column “The Blatant Lies My Parents Told Me” wasn’t just laugh-out-loud funny, I literally had tears running down my cheeks I was laughing so hard.
Thanks, I needed that.
Beth Lee
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