Letters To The Editor

June 01, 2011 - MidWeek
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Popping a pooch
Regarding Dr. John Kaya’s column “Yes, There Is A CSI For Dogs, Too”: While I feel sorry for the man “Walter” whose dog was shot with an air rifle and died, the fact is that this person let his dog run through other people’s yards on a regular basis. If Walter had been more responsible as a pet owner, his dog would still be alive.
Mary Chang
Regarding Larry Price’s column “We Can’t Help Rubbernecking , ” w e Germans have a term for finding enjoyment - or in this case entertainment - from the misfortune of others: schadenfreude. It’s not just an American thing, it’s part of the human makeup.
Gretta (Vogel) Davis
So just be civil
Dan Boylan’s column “Whatever Happened To Civility” is timely in our fractured world.
But Mr. Boylan himself, as well as other of your journalists, have also contributed to the incivility.
Michael S. Teruya
Five-0 fans
Bob Jones’ column “Hooked, After All, By Five-0” made me think that there are two kinds of people in the world: those who like the new Five-0 and those who don’t. Put me in the “do” category.
Desiree Lee
Pearl City
Simon sense
Just a note to say how much I appreciate Roger Simon’s columns, including his most recent “The Lamentation Of The Governator.” He’s smart, brings a wealth of personal background to stories, does excellent reporting and takes on conservatives and liberals alike.
And when was the last time a newspaper printed the word lamentation?
Will Ornellas
Special effort
I’m not a sports fan by any means, but the photos of Special Olympics athletes giving their all in the cover story “Carrying A Torch” brought tears of joy to my eyes. Congratulations to each of them, and to all those who work to make Special Olympics possible.
Deena Ray
Just for laughs
I’m a fan of MidWeek and tend to read it cover to cover, but I must say I especially enjoy Ron Nagasawa, Chuck Shepherd and Bruce Cameron because each of them makes me laugh out loud on a regular basis. Not enough of that in the world these days.
John Stewart
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