Letters To The Editor

June 08, 2011 - MidWeek
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Roger Simon’s column regarding “Mediscare” offers a perfect template for judging the discussion on Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan to reform Medicare.
If someone “neglects” to state that the program would remain the same for people 55 years old and older, they are knowingly misleading us. If they refuse to reveal that Obamacare cut billions out of the current Medicare budget to fund Medicaid, they are knowingly misleading us. Therefore, Simon’s column is pure propaganda.
Ask those under age 55 if they believe that Medicare will be there for them when they retire and you find a natural constituency for a reform plan. Ryan’s plan may not be perfect, but he had the guts to put it out there.
Republicans and allied Democrats need to format a message that is based on the facts to challenge the scam being put out by the president and his minions.
Carol R. White
Tax everyone
Regarding Roger Simons’ column on Republicans and Medicare, we’d have the money for Medicare and Social Security if we taxed megacorporations and millionaires who pay no taxes, or far less than their fair share, as well as other tax cheats. What angers me is that these social safety net programs for the middle and lower classes are being challenged simply so the rich can get richer.
Jill Sherman
911 calls private
I’m not a big fan of his, but I’m with Bob Jones on the issue of 911 emergency calls being made public. If our individual medical records are guaranteed privacy, shouldn’t our most emotional moments also be kept out of the media? There may be times when releasing these tapes is justified in the public interest, but generally the only reason for releasing them is salacious curiosity.
Ed Brown
Check the mirror
Couldn’t agree more with Arianna Huffington in her column “The Real Enemy Is In The Mirror.” Too many people in our society today refuse to take responsibility for themselves and their own actions. It’s always someone else’s fault. Frankly, it’‘s uplifting to see a liberal making the point about self-responsibility.
Denise Ching
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