Letters To The Editor

Don Chapman
By Don Chapman
June 15, 2011 - MidWeek
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America first!

I often disagree with him when I see him on TV, but I am becoming a fan of Patrick Buchanan’s MidWeek column. He is so right-on about the idiocy of the Obama-Hillary plan to send billions of dollars in aid to Arab regimes. Aren’t these the guys sitting on untold oil wealth? And isn’t our own country in the worst shape you’ve seen it in your lifetime? (Those who lived through the Great Depression excepted.) Let’s see, politicians say we can no longer afford Social Security and Medicare, but we can give billions to Arab countries - after we borrow the money from China!

Isn’t it time we start putting America - and Americans - first?

Clearly, Obama and Hillary are not doing that. Nor are many in Hawaii.

I’ve always been an independent, but I recently came across the America First Party, and believe they have it right. This should be the first thing we ask political candidates: “Who are you putting first?” And it should be the first thing on which we judge them once in office. Yes, America first! Check out the website at americafirstparty.org.

Lee Matsuda

Help for Laos

In his column “The U.S. Secret Bombing Of Laos,” Bob Jones mentions the 35,000 killed and wounded by our unexploded ordnance - farmers plowing and children collecting scrap metal. Unlike land mines, these are more likely to maim than kill. The only provider of prostheses and rehabilitation in Laos is Copelaos.

Their visitor center at the rehab hospital in Vientiane has an informative exhibit on the bombings, injuries and rehab. The services are free if the patient can’t afford it, and most can’t. For more information on their efforts, and to contribute, go to Copelaos.org.

Cynthia Burdge, M.D.

Just be honest

In her letter, Carol White complains about “the scam being put out by the president and his minions” regarding Rep. Paul Ryan’s medicare plan by omitting certain facts. True enough.

One has to wonder where the Democrats got the dastardly idea to omit a key fact of a proposal. Wait! If memory serves, the president’s proposal to repeal the Bush tax cuts for those making more than $250,000 was omitted by the Republicans when they said Obama would raise taxes, thus neglecting a key fact and misleading us.

I believe the solution proposed by Ms. White is also applicable to Obama’s tax proposal with minor revisions. Democrats and allied Republicans “need to format a message that is based on the facts to challenge the scam being put out by the” Republicans. Works for me.

Peter Chisteckoff
Mililani Mauka

Send your letters to MidWeek Letters, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, HI. 96813; by fax to 585-6324, or by email to dchapman@midweek.com. Please include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers. We print only the letters that include this information, but only your name and area of residence will appear in print. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.
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