Letters To The Editor

July 06, 2011 - MidWeek
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American values
I just read Don Chapman’s column “America The Beautiful‘s Back-story” and loved it haven’t enjoyed an article that much in a long, long time. More than giving readers an informative article, he really captured the spirit of the song, and a spirit that I believe was once very prevalent in America. I think much of that spirit has been lost over the past 25 years or so. Sometimes it seems society has traded in the ideals of America for economic gain, and it shows in our current politics and business environment. On the advent of this Fourth of July, Mr. Chapman’s article is particularly well-placed, well-timed and well-said.
Thanks for recalling us to the ideals and values that made us a great nation.
It is so uplifting to know that there are others out there who still have a sense of the ideals and values of America that I believe have been (and are) of critical importance in shaping our society.
Journalists are still so important in giving direction and voice to society. Who knows, maybe these words will point the way and help some of our politicians and business leaders regain a sense of guiding values in all that they do.
When this MidWeek goes online Wednesday I plan to post Mr. Chapman’s article on Facebook and Twitter for other folks to read.
Andrew Laurence
Beautiful timing
I can’t believe the timing of the column on the history of America the Beautiful by my old Columbia Inn Roundtable All-Stars softball teammate Don Chapman. On my list of things to do in connection with a stage play I’ve just finished writing is, “Research origins of America the Beautiful.”
It’s not a big part of my play, but at one point one of the real-life characters talks about attending a national political convention where a singer opened the proceedings with the Star Spangled Banner and followed it with America the Beautiful. He then says, “She did that because a lot of folks don’t know which is our national anthem.” That prompted me to want to research America the Beautiful.
So “Chappy” just saved me a lot of time and effort. Thank you, ol’ friend!
Joe Moore
Cultural glimpse
Salamat for sharing with your readers our Philippine Independence Day celebration through pictures in MidWeek‘s Pa’ina pages. They provide the wider Hawaii community glimpses of a part of the FilipinoAmerican heritage.
E. A. Ward
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