Letters To The Editor

Don Chapman
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September 07, 2011 - MidWeek
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Different GOP

As a longtime Republican who no longer recognizes his party, mahalo to Dick Adair for his great editorial cartoon, showing the GOP elephant with its trunk - carrying a “Tea Party” sign - having fallen off.

David Ryan

It’s fraud

Thank you to Bob Jones for his informative column on “Pesky Peddlers” at Diamond Head Crater. Color me naive, but I would assume that someone shilling a product or service on state park grounds would be sanctioned by the state. I would certainly assume that a certificate with “Diamond Head Preservation Society” stamped on it would be to help Diamond Head. With that assumption, I would likely give more than $2 and be completely oblivious to the fact that the charity doesn’t exist, Diamond Head receives no funds, and instead I was lining the pockets of Puri and Randy Frost.

The state has a duty to ensure that anyone providing services on their grounds is who they say they are. If the state wants to allow Puri, Ranger Rick, Chris, Mitch or anyone else to operate a business on state park grounds, fine. But the state owes the patrons of their parks transparency in knowing who is setting up shop and collecting funds under false pretenses.

I believe there’s a word for collecting funds under false pretenses - fraud. Perhaps the state should enlighten themselves on the definition of fraud and the possible criminal charges and punishments, and then apply them not only to themselves but to the fraud- sters shilling at Diamond Head.

Jenna Richard

New word

Thanks to letter writer Mona Lee for teaching me a new word - plutocracy. As a middle class guy strug- gling to make it, I have to agree that there is class warfare being waged by the wealthy, and they’re winning.

Jeff Arita

Tony for the hall

Regarding Bob Hogue’s column about the new Hawaii Pacific University athletic hall of fame: Omitting coach Tony Sellitto is sacrilegious.

Coach Tony was instrumental in bringing Tita, Jurgen and Llewellyn to HPU. You would think the only coach in the Hawaii to win a national college basketball championship would automatically be inducted along with his coaches and players of that 1993 championship team.

Please, take nothing away from these fine, deserving athletes, but even they would concur that Coach Tony belongs in HPU’s inaugural Hall of Fame.

Robert Martin

Send your letters to MidWeek Letters, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, HI. 96813; by fax to 585-6324, or by email to dchapman@midweek.com. Please include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers. We print only the letters that include this information, but only your name and area of residence will appear in print. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.
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