Letters To The Editor

September 14, 2011 - MidWeek
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Big response
On behalf of the Injury Prevention and Control Section of the Hawaii Department of Health, I would like to thank MidWeek reporter Chris Fleck and photographer Nathalie Walker for the article on suicide prevention.
MidWeek definitely helped to raise awareness in our community of this important issue. I received several positive calls after the article was published, including calls from individuals look- ing for further information and from others wanting to volunteer their time to assist others who may be at risk for suicide. We also received positive comments about the photo featuring our staff.
Your readers appreciated the photo of state staff working together to address this topic. Thanks to all of you for raising awareness of the issue of suicide pre- vention.
Nancy Kern
Suicide Prevention Coordinator,
State Department of Health
Salute statehood
It is always comforting to have your sentiments voiced, and Larry Price’s column “Statehood Something To Celebrate” did that for me. I have often lamented about the lack of patriotism here in Hawaii. This is doubly troubling in that statehood was personally experienced by many of us, not something we read about in history class. Should not a new gift be treasured, be outwardly appreciated?
In walking from one end of Waikiki to the other on July 4, I saw absolutely no flags displayed, no red/white/blue signs in any store window. I was saddened, but not surprised.
Karen Abe
It’s all wrong?
I cannot let Jerry Coffee get away with his latest anti-Obama rant without pointing out a few incon- venient (to him) facts. Mr. Coffee says that the President is “doing everything wrong” in Afghanistan. Really? For most of his administration he has been following the advice of a George Bush Republican, Bob Gates. He authorized extra troops deployed over there that angered the leftist part of his base. To his credit, he did it anyway because he thought it was the right thing to do. Was that part of the “doing everything wrong”?
Was the authorizing of the successful raid on Bin Laden’s compound and the recent killing of al-Qaida’s No. 2 in Pakistan part of the president “doing every- thing wrong”?
Joseph O’Brien
Due to a technical error, the story on Hawaii Five-0 in last week’s edition spelled Steve McGarrett’s name incorrectly. Also, Daniel Dae Kim’s last name should have read simply “Kim.”
Send your letters to MidWeek Letters, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, HI. 96813; by fax to 585-6324, or by email to dchapman@midweek.com. Please include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers. We print only the letters that include this information, but only your name and area of residence will appear in print. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.E-mail this story | Print this page | Comments (0) | Archive | RSS Comments (0) |
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