Letters To The Editor

April 12, 2006 - MidWeek
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Blame bad parents
Regarding Rick Hamada’s sharing reader responses to a previous column about parents who send their kids to school without lunch money:
The real problem with Hawaii’s public schools isn’t the DOE. It’s bad parents. Sending kids to school without lunch money is just the tip of the iceberg. As a former teacher’s aide, I know that many children first come to school never having seen an adult read, much less having been read to. These parents never ask about homework. They don’t discipline their children consistently. They miss parent-teacher conferences. They let children watch violent, sexual TV programs. They swear at their children. On and on it goes.
Until Hawaii has fewer bad parents - dramatically fewer - the public schools are doomed.
My solution: parenting classes for high schoolers.
Alice Yamashita
An odd exercise
Jason Kokaaina’s letter, “The PR mayor,” lets the world know he spends his spare time counting press releases.
Besides, there must be a more productive way to use one’s time. Most reasonable people would agree that a comparison of the number of press releases issued in the final year of a lame duck administration vs. the number of press releases issued in the first year of a brand new administration that hit the ground running borders on the absurd.
There are many questions we ask ourselves before issuing releases. One that we don’t ask is “Are we exceeding the number issued in 2004 by the previous administration?”
I’m not sure why Mr. Kokaaina engages in this exercise, or who puts him up to it.
What I do know is that reporters continue to express their appreciation for Mayor Hannemann’s creation of a press secretary position. We work hard to provide them the information they seek. City councilmembers also comment on the refreshing difference between the Hannemann administration’s openness compared to the prior administration.
An accurately well-informed citizenry is what makes a democratic society work, and we are happy to do our part toward that end.
Bill Brennan
Press Secretary to the Mayor
Wrong about Mufi
The only thing that’s shaky around here is Bob Jones’ writing. Although I agree with him that Frank Fasi was a great mayor, that’s about all he said in his recent column that made sense. He described Mayor Hannemann as being “shaky” and “inexperienced” at the helm compared to Jeremy Harris and Eileen Anderson!
While the rest of Honolulu sees the mayor as fair, decisive and honest, Jones remains immersed in his own propaganda. Even people who voted against him are pleasantly surprised by his professionalism and responsible leadership style. Current polls show Hannemann’s approval rating to be high.
Keith Rollman
Blessed rain
Yes, it is true that we have had more than enough rain lately, and I appreciate Don Chapman’s giving the Hawaiian perspective. But at the same time we cannot forget the Hawaiian proverb (‘Olelo No’eau) that says Ue ka lani; ola ka honua - without the life-giving waters of Kane, there is no life.
Malcolm Kesa
Safe water?
So the warning signs are down and the beaches are open. Thanks, but no thanks. No signs simply mean no liability - pretty clever.
Personally, I’m not going back in the ocean until Gov. Lingle, Mayor Hannemann, the City Council and all the folks from the health department go in first.
Until then, the stink I’m smelling is far worse than raw sewage. It’s a total disregard for human life in pursuit of the almighty (tourist) dollar.
Sue Doell
Thank you for all you have done for the Legacy Awards and the Hawaii Music Awards. The cover story in MidWeek really got the ball rolling for us, and it would not have been the success it was if not for your interest and support. Both events were attended by a full house of musicians, entertainers and supporters. We were able to raise $1,000 for scholarships for the University of Hawaii Jazz Ensemble. We raised over $600 for Waianae High School Searider Productions and donated monies to help Kalani High School purchase video supplies.
We are already planning for next year’s events and looking forward to working with you again.
Johnny Kai
Music Foundation of Hawaii
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