Letters To The Editor

May 17, 2006 - MidWeek
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Counting on Boylan
You can always count on Dan Boylan to act as the true liberal he is - such as when he was unable to come up with one fact to support his belief that Dan Akaka is a good senator. Because he could not support his position, he resorted to the great liberal equalizer, the “race card.” Shame on Mr. Boylan. The race card is a liberal “Mainland standard” and does-n’t belong in Hawaii.
The next week, again in the usual liberal fashion, he showed his disdain for the military in trying to blame the commanding general of Schofield Barracks for the tragic accident on Kunia Road. Sorry, it was a local guy.
Jerry Wojcik
That’s a big ‘huh?’
As usual, I am confused by Bill O’Reilly’s latest diatribe, “Ignoring USA’s Biggest Problems.” He begins with a short paragraph bashing “liberal thinkers,” and then spends the majority of his column complaining that no one, liberal or conservative, has done anything about some very serious problems.
The main point of his column appears to be that corporate special interests are unduly influencing political decision-making. Point well taken. But then why’s he bashing liberals, again?
Isn’t it time that we recognize there are screwy ideas on both ends of the political spectrum? Isn’t it time that we address the issues without calling names? I am tired of pundits using their bully pulpits to polarize the debate. I know it makes great theater, but it doesn’t help solve the problems.
J. B. Young
A school upgrade
Thank you to Jerry Coffee for a well-written article regarding the current state of Hawaii’s education system. My family relocated here with the Navy two years ago and experienced considerable trouble with my oldest child both in kindergarten and first grade. Distraught, we finally enrolled him in a private school, where he is excelling. It was unfortunate that we had to resort to a private school in order to attain the quality education levels that are available in public schools on the Mainland.
Samantha Brown
Wrong about Mufi
Bob Jones’ weekly ramblings can usually be dismissed as the ravings of a faded television personality, but his recent column “First Samoan Governor Questions” demands a response.
Mr. Jones has decided to blame Mayor Hannemann - a scant year in office - for the condition of a sewage and solid waste system that has suffered from years of neglect.
Never mind that the mayor has set the city back on a solid fiscal footing, brought Oahu the closest it has ever been to a mass transit system, directed that millions of dollars be spent on repairing our deteriorating infrastructure of sewers and roads and public facilities, expanded bulky item pickup islandwide and launched green waste pickup and done any number of truly terrific things for our city.
I think Mufi Hannemann has developed a solid record of accomplishment, in a very brief time. Mr. Jones, meanwhile, must seek satisfaction by taking “pot shots” at public figures.
And by the way, what has the “Mainland Haole” (as Mr. Jones described Govs. Quinn and Burns), Japanese Gov. Ariyoshi, Hawaiian Gov. Waihee or Filipino Gov. Cayetano’s ethnic race have to do with anything?
Allan Sato
P.E. vs. obesity
Fantastic cover story by Chad Pata on Gregg Agena, the national P.E. teacher of the year from Mililani Middle School.
We hear so much about childhood (and adulthood) obesity, and here is one of the best and most cost-effective things we can do to teach kids to enjoy some kind of physical activity that they can enjoy for the rest of their lives.
I salute Mr. Agena for believing that PE. isn’t about creating athletes, it’s about healthy, happy and fit kids.
Arnold Silva
The wrong year
I’d like to point out an error in Don Chapman’s column regarding a quotation by former president Theodore Roosevelt. The quote was not a statement made by Roosevelt in 1907 (while he was still president), but from a letter written just before his death in January 1919.
Aside from that, I thought it was a very well-done article. And thank you for pointing out that horrendous HMSA golf commercial.
Kevin Wayne Pledger
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