Letters To The Editor

July 19, 2006 - MidWeek
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A Coastie salute
Mahalo for the outstanding cover story on our new Coast Guard 14th District Commander, Rear Adm. Sally Brice-O’Hara.
Beginning the morning that the article started hitting Oahu mailboxes, we have been fielding calls from community groups requesting the Admiral as a guest speaker.
And we’ve taken dozens of calls from local folks wanting to join the Coast Guard as a result of reading the article.
Thanks for being such an ardent supporter of the Coast Guard, military, and all the other federal, state and county agencies charged with keeping Hawaii safe. On behalf of the entire Coast Guard ohana in Hawaii, keep up the great work and Semper Paratus (Always Ready)!
Lt. John Titchen U.S. Coast Guard Public Affairs Officer
Honolulu Editor’s note: We appreciate being recognized for our support of all of our men and women in uniform. By the way, if the name is familiar, John is the son of the late Star-Bulletin photographer Jack Titchen and former Star-Bulletin and MidWeek reporter Kathy Titchen.
No maintenance
Regarding Larry Price’s column “To Build, But Not Maintain,” he sure hit the nail on the head!
I live in the Waialua area and along with my husband maintain about one-fourth of a mile of landscaped area along the three-mile bikeway that was completed about two years ago. The automatic sprinkler system that was installed is about 50 percent functional. Among the 11 trees that were planted, two are dead and continue to stand as stark reminders of poor or sporadic maintenance. Calls to the Parks and Recreation Department yield the same litany: “We’ll put in a work order” or “We’ll check it out.”
This is taxpayers’ money, but we’re getting little bang for the buck here and on numerous other projects around the island, as Larry stated so eloquently.
Carolyn Williams
Sacred Mauna Kea
I was astonished to read Bob Jones’ assertion that Mauna Kea could not be a sacred place because it existed long before the Polynesians came here.
By that reasoning, there are no sacred places on earth! Since by all accounts the earth existed before mankind, Vatican City, Mecca and Jerusalem are not sacred either.
Makana Risser Chai
Case-Akaka: debate
Larry Price is right: It’s ridiculous that the voters are being deprived of seeing Sen. Dan Akaka and his challenger Ed Case go head-to-head in a debate before the September primary. Somebody’s hiding something.
Steve Matsumoto
Blatantly ambitious
Re: Dan Boylan’s remarks on Ed Case’s large ambitions:
When Case was elected to the Legislature, he immediately ran for Speaker of the House.
After Patsy Mink’s untimely death, her husband John wanted to finish her term, as is often done. John was a brilliant and good man, and knew Patsy’s mind like his own. Yet Case could not defer to John and wait a few months.
In his current campaign, Case is showing this trait again. Try wait, Ed.
Nancy Bey Little
Kim Jung-Il’s threat
Kudos to editor Don Chapman for an insightful look at the North Korea missile problem. It made more sense than most of the commentaries I heard on the cable news stations. I don’t feel any safer from Kim Jung-Il, but I do feel more informed about the reality of the situation.
Art Lee Honolulu
Totally in style
Just wanted to say how much I enjoy and look forward to Yu Shing Ting’s Style pages every week. A lot of big city papers don’t carry such great fashions and photos. As a person who is into clothes and fashion, I appreciate seeing what’s happening in our community, whether it’s dressing for work, a party or the beach.
Amy Yim Honolulu
Send your letters to MidWeek Letters, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, HI. 96813; by fax to 585-6324, or by email to dchapman@midweek.com. Please include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers. We print only the letters that include this information, but only your name and area of residence will appear in print. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.E-mail this story | Print this page | Comments (0) | Archive | RSS Comments (0) |
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