Letters To The Editor

Don Chapman
By Don Chapman
August 09, 2006 - MidWeek
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Maintenance woes

Larry Price is right when he says public projects need to have planned maintenance factored into their long-term upkeep.

It’s unfortunate that wasn’t the case when the grassy area next to the bike path in Waialua was landscaped using vision team funds a few years ago (Letters, July 17). There was no money added to the budget to maintain this added responsibility.

Even though this is not a city park, the Parks Department does maintenance on the grassy area with staff members who are assigned other duties. Their primary responsibility, however, is to tend to the larger Waialua District Park field, play courts, gym and pool used by a greater number of residents. We do maintain the bike path and the recently constructed Waialua Bandstand Park, which has quickly become a popular venue for community concerts and events. Those staffers find time to cut the grass, and will soon repair some damaged sprinkler heads.

We appreciate the assistance of Carolyn Williams and her husband in maintaining a portion of the landscaped area and would hope that other island residents will do likewise in their communities.

Mayor Hannemann, like Mr. Price, realizes the importance of having a maintenance plan for city projects before giving them the go-ahead. He campaigned and was elected on that premise, and continues to be guided by it.

Lester Chang Director, City Department of Parks and Recreation

The abuse trap

I assume that Rick Hamada’s heart is in the right place, but his column “Leaving An Abusive Relationship” shows he doesn’t have a clue about the reality of these relationships. It is, as so much seems to be with conservative commentators, much more complex than he can grasp.

They usually begin with love on the woman’s part, perhaps a desire to help, but the evil genius of abusers is that they do everything they can to make their partner feel dependent on them, and isolated from friends and families. The combination destroys whatever self-esteem she came into the relationship with.

That said, I do appreciate Mr. Hamada printing the phone number of the Domestic Violence Clearinghouse (531-3771).

Val Yee Honolulu

Malkin right on libs

I’ve considered myself a Democrat for all of my adult life, and have usually voted that way. I’m also often offended by Michelle Malkin. But I found myself applauding her column “The Left Hates The Wrong Guys.”

It is no secret the the violent wing of the Muslim faith, and certainly the one that speaks the loudest, wants to conquer the rest of the world, so that there is only one faith permitted. They hate us for our freedom, and I’m beginning to think for valuing human lives. Likewise, Hezbollah and Hamas have sworn to eliminate Israel. I saw a young girl from Lebanon on CNN, saying Jews have no right to the land and must be killed. My liberal sentiment is that I would like to live in peace with everyone, and that diplomacy should be given every opportunity. But life under the Taliban should not be a pleasant thought for anyone, liberal or conservative.

Michael Hirono


Wrong on Watada

The “retired military officer” who wrote concerning Lt. Ehren Watada’s upcoming military court martial apparently did not have the facts regarding the charges.

Lt. Watada has been charged only with (1) “missing troop movement” because he refused to go to Iraq, which he contends is an illegal war; (2), two instances of allegedly speaking “contemptuous words” against the president by saying that Bush broke the bond of trust with us, and (3) with three instances of “conduct unbecoming an officer” because he expressed “shock” at the deception used to initiate the war. That’s it.

It was purely speculation on the part of the letter-writer, Russel Noguchi, that Watada would also be charged with “every possible relevant article in the Uniform Code of Military Justice” including “desertion.”

Lt. Watada did not “desert” - unlike Lt. George W. Bush, who went AWOL, failed to attend drills, lost his flying status when he refused to take a drug test, and deserted during the Vietnam War, and then lied about his service. Bush’s whereabouts were unknown to his unit (that’s desertion), and the DOD has since admitted that Bush’s military records have mysteriously disappeared.

Keith Haugen, veteran


Send your letters to MidWeek Letters, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, HI. 96813; by fax to 585-6324, or by email to dchapman@midweek.com. Please include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers. We print only the letters that include this information, but only your name and area of residence will appear in print. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.
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