Letters To The Editor

February 15, 2006 - MidWeek
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MidWeek in Iraq
My son, Sgt. Gerald Kaipo Orosco, is serving with the U.S. Army in Kirkuk, Iraq - a real hotspot. He and some other soldiers were asking if they can receive your MidWeek there. They miss home and anything that is Hawaii. I believe your weekly issues will do a lot of good for our children and relatives, friends and ohana over in that war arena. As for your sponsors, they also can benefit when Hawaii’s Army ohana mentions about their service and/or products to their ohana back home!
Hopefully your paper will reach and touch our ohana as well as the people of Iraq!
George Orosco
Waianae Editor’s note: Publisher Ron Nagasawa is shipping copies of MidWeek to Sgt. Orosco and other Hawaii soldiers in Iraq. We’re honored
by the request and proud to comply.
Yes, nuke the DOE
Thank you to Susan Page for describing the unbelievable mess that afflicts public education. I truly believe the system needs to be dumped and a new one created to bring true “education” back to the children. I taught for four years in the DOE and finally went back to private teaching as the headaches and unbelievable bureaucracy tore me apart. The kids are not the center of the equation, but end up being forgotten as others’ needs are met.
Yes, please help people wake up and start electing the politicians who truly want change that Gov. Lingle has been pushing for since she took office.
Susan Westbrook
Ewa Beach
Outsider grumbles
You ever notice that it’s mostly haoles from the Mainland that grumble the loudest about the schools?
People like Bob Jones, Susan Page and Jerry Coffee.
Al Rodrigues
Blame the parents
Regarding Susan Page and Jerry Coffee’s very different takes on our public school system, I have a question:
What about the parents?
As a former kindergarten teacher, I saw children come to school on the first day who had never seen a pencil or crayon, had never been read to or ever seen anyone else reading.
Oh, and throw in poor nutrition, a lack of discipline in the home and parents with drug problems.
This is the fault of the DOE? The really sad part was that these children required so much attention, kids whose parents had properly prepared them for school and were ready to learn often did not get the attention and teaching they deserved.
I truly believe that what our public schools need is better parents.
Ethel Muraoka
Death wishes
Rick Hamada hit it right on the kini popo with his column about pedestrians with death wishes. In my experience, it’s mostly teenagers who walk around with chips on their shoulders, walking as slowly through a crosswalk as they possibly can.
But since most of us drive sometimes and walk sometimes, either way just follow the Golden Rule. It all comes down to a matter of consideration of others.
Art Lee
Thar Joe blows
A big thank you and kudos to Bob Jones for his column “Changing The Channel at KHON.”
For as long as I can remember, Oahu has tolerated, and been held hostage, by Joe Moore’s boresome on-air self-aggrandizement, and petulant, child-like tirades against anyone and anything that displeases him - which in the past has even included his co-workers!
And now he has the arrogance to criticize his new Mainland bosses. All this from someone whose “fashion sense” makes him resemble a stolen, late model Packard!
I would humbly suggest to Mr. Moore that if the prospect of working for his new bosses is so odious, he simply shut his yap, pack his tent and move elsewhere.
James L. Tumblin
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