Letters To The Editor

August 30, 2006 - MidWeek
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Pet euthanasia
I read with interest Ms. Frederick’s letter taking Bob Jones to task because he euthanized his cat, Babe. To me, Bob Jones did a very loving, kind and difficult thing. He did not want Babe to suffer.
Ms. Frederick then slips into “Why allow your loved one to suffer when you can just have them snuffed out?”
Some of us have put into place end-of-life decisions in advance. We have signed a living will, durable power of attorney for health, and advised our physician when to stop medical intervention. This is to save our family and friends from making difficult decisions for us. I call this consideration.
I am always amused when someone uses God as a defense. As Ms. Frederick states, in part, “God gives life and God decides when we will die.” So, I would assume that receiving any form of medical treatment or attention is against God’s will. If Ms. Frederick sincerely practices what she preaches, she has no need for any form of medical coverage. I envy those extra dollars in the bank!
Diane Tippett
Cover nudity
I was completely shocked and offended to receive my MidWeek and see a naked young man being hugged by an older man on the cover. This is totally pornographic!
Elaine Johnson
Cultural sensitivity
Thank you, MidWeek, for the cultural sensitivity and accuracy in portraying the ancient Hawaiian practice of lua on your Aug. 23 cover. The photograph by Nathalie Walker is beautiful, and I salute Wes Kaiwi Nui Yoon and his teacher Dr. Mitchell Eli for carrying on the old ways.
Kawena Kaiwi
HPD’s traffic tangle
I often disagree with Bob Jones, but he is right on in criticizing the way HPD investigates traffic accidents, shutting down highways for hours. As a retired police officer from the Mainland, I can tell you there are better, faster and more efficient way of doing an investigation, and without making traffic worse.
Jack Whitworth
Yes, pigs fly!
Somewhere, a pig is flying! Because today I agree with Bill O’Reilly! This is a first. But his idea to do selective security screening at airports is just common sense. It is not, as he says, racial profiling - it is terrorist profiling. That my 70-year-old, white-haired mother has to take off her shoes and get frisked is just stupid. Likewise for a middle-age business guy (me).
We know that the vast majority of the people who have sworn to kill Americans are young men and women of Middle Eastern descent. This may be inconvenient for their fellow Muslims, but perhaps then they would be more willing to speak up against those who advocate violence, and even work with law enforcement to arrest them before they can commit violent acts.
Mike Yamaguchi
Hawaii Kai
Porn at the mall?
Regarding the letter from Bill Hoshijo and John Ishihara of the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission, stating that women have the legal right to breast-feed their infants in public:
What’s next, public urination? Exposing sexual organs is exposing sexual organs, whatever the reason.
Not that I’m advocating public urination, but what about my right not to have to watch live pornography at the mall?
Alice Lee
Pearl CIty
Cheap dining
Jo McGarry writes about so many expensive restaurants that are out of the price range of many people, but I did appreciate her column on dining deals and early bird specials.
It’s good to remember the little guys and the mom-and-pop restaurants.
Delbert Takezawa
Editor’s note: We’re proud that Jo McGarry covers a breadth of restaurants, and proud also to provide Susan Sunderland’s Da Zigzag Guide to Local Kine Grinds on a regular basis.
Send your letters to MidWeek Letters, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, HI. 96813; by fax to 585-6324, or by email to dchapman@midweek.com. Please include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers. We print only the letters that include this information, but only your name and area of residence will appear in print. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.E-mail this story | Print this page | Comments (0) | Archive | RSS Comments (0) |
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