Letters To The Editor

October 18, 2006 - MidWeek
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D.C. perverts
I guess Michelle Malkin’s column “Sexual Predators In Congress” proves that she is not 100 percent bad. I think this is the first time I have ever bothered to read one of her articles to the end.
It drives me wild that most of those idiots in Washington seem to treat the actions of a bunch of dirty old men as a political problem! Those Congressional pages are inexperienced children away from home, and among our best and brightest, this is not a political problem. Just because there has been a lot of high-profile pedophilia is no excuse not to take the actions of powerful men against children very, very seriously.
Possibly the fact that Congress is presently so evenly divided may have assisted the leadership in trying to ignore the problem. Or maybe the strident right-wing conservatives have been correct all the time, and the people we send to Washington are a bunch of worthless, immoral dorks (or become such soon after they arrive).
Dorothy I. Cornell
Age doesn’t matter
It is sad to read that Dr. jack Scaff is so paranoid about Democrats hiding under the bed. “It’s my bet,” he says, “as an outsider that after a year or two ... Mr. Akaka will either become disabled or step aside, allowing the Democratic Party to choose whom they want.”
I assume, since he signs as a F.A.C.S.M., that he is giving professional medical advice by urging Dan to retire. I hope he is a better jock doc than he is a geriatrician. Is there any reason for a healthy man who loves his work and has many friends who will vote for him and much aloha to give to retire at all? Is there any way that a tired U.S. Senator can appoint his own replacement? I think not!
I despise these ignorant and irreverent young puppies chewing on the pant legs of better men. I urge my fellows in the old guard to avoid the advice of early retirement by whipper-snappers like Dr. Scaff. Work as long as you can. Some work of noble note may yet be done. Do not go quiet into that good night! To hell with Bush! Hang in there, Dan!
Hugh W. Folk, Ph. D.
A Kaya tribute
I read MidWeek‘s cover story about Robert M. Kaya Builders with great interest. I personally know Merle Higa. So I called her the next morning to ask her for her “autograph.” She mentioned to me the one correction to the article was that Merle’s grandfather immigrated from Japan, not her father.
Being in the construction business for the past 28 years, I find Robert M. Kaya Builders a pleasure to work with and one of few remaining locally owned general contractors in the State of Hawaii. Great cover story.
If you want to find out more, Channel 53 Olelo is be airing the
Legacy of Robert M. Kaya Builders.
Grace K. Tamanaha-Parker
Crossword kudos
I’m already a fan of MidWeek, and you seem to be getting bigger and better with each issue.
MidWeek provides a healthy mix of gossip; local and syndicated columnists; essays; food-related stuff; restaurant ads (seems to be a welcome proliferation of these); newsmaker bios; baby pix and glitterati snapshots. Something for every taste I expect to open next week’s issue and find a braille section or a “talking book” cd for the visually challenged and maybe even a foreign language insert for recent arrivals. Please resist the urge, however, to include any scratch and sniffs!
An indication of your confidence is best reflected in your crossword puzzle - the L.A. Times selections are good. Aside from in-flight magazines, the standard ploy for keeping crossword-working readers coming back is to give the solution in the next edition. As a crossword puzzle addict, and also not the sharpest knife in the drawer, I HATE that tactic!!! Who want the answers tomorrow or next week or next month?
So on behalf of the nonMensa crowd of crossword puzzle afficionados, thank you for giving us the solution NOW.
Gary Meyers
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