Letters To The Editor

February 22, 2006 - MidWeek
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Letters may be edited for clarity and space.
Honored, again
Kudos to MidWeek publisher Ron Nagasawa and the staff for responding to a request from George Orosco to send copies of MidWeek to our troops in Iraq.
Moreover, it was the editor’s note at the end of the letter that makes this stand out. He stated, “We’re honored by the request and proud to comply.” This is first class, and it can’t get any better than this. More businesses should embrace this mentality into their corporate cultures.
Bob Ching
Way to go, Joe!
In his recent letter, James Tumblin calls KHON anchor Joe Moore all kinds of names, even criticizing Joe’s fashion sense. There are names for guys like Mr. Tumblin, but I’ll try to stay above his level.
Joe should be praised for standing up for certain journalism standards, and the jobs of his co-workers. It would have been easy for Joe to just go along with the drastic cuts and automation planned by KHON’s new owners, to take the money and shut up. Instead he put his own neck on the line.
Kudos, Joe, and keep telling it like it is!
George Tanoue
Haoles like rule
Al Rodriguez is right in his letter: “It’s mostly the haoles from the Mainland that grumble the loudest about the public schools.”
I would take this thought a step further. Haoles are accustomed to dominating wherever they settle. It galls some of them that they are not dominating our public school system as they are now at UH.
Larry T. Hayashida
Rabble rouser
Say what you want about Bob Jones - and I’ve muttered a lot of things about his opinions over the years - the guy is not afraid to speak his mind. His most recent column about many journalists turning wimpy because of political correctness and the fear of being criticized is a case in point.
Keep on rabble-rousing, Mr. Jones! And I’ll keep muttering.
Steve Miller
Teaching peace
Jerry Coffee’s column about demonstrators opposing the University of Hawaii’s dangerous flirtation with the military misses the entire point. Those of us opposed to the UARC are trying to help our country, and the world, by using the university to promote peace, not war. It has to start somewhere - why not Manoa?
Janis Lee
UH can help Navy
Jerry Coffee, I salute you for speaking the truth!
UH should welcome Navy researchers with open arms simply because it is our military that allows America to have a free society, including a university where all kinds of ideas are taught and radical ideas are allowed to flourish.
We’re all for peace, but let’s teach a little realism up there too.
Dave Abernathy
No liberal bias
When I was head of Hawaii Public Television (1980-93), we took great pains to balance liberal and conservative viewpoints in our broadcasts. It did no good. We were always accused by conservatives of having liberal bias. For this reason, I have always bristled at the term “liberal media.”
Finally, someone has attempted to examine the broad accusation scientifically. The media watchdog group Media Matters recently released a study entitled “If It’s Sunday, It’s Conservative” that helps debunk the “liberal bias” myth. Among its findings: Conservative voices significantly outnumber progressive voices on the Sunday talk shows. The full report can be found at mediamatters.org/static/pdf/MMFA_Sunday_Show_Report.pdf. (I suppose conservatives will just claim that this study was conducted by liberal researchers.)
Having felt the pressure myself, I suspect that the media have given in to the constant accusations of bias - and have overcompen-sated. That would explain their giving voice to the most outrageous and extreme spokespeople of the right. Can’t we return to the rational middle ground? Both sides have good points to make and they are best made without all the hateful and divisive rhetoric.
James Young
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